why do people act different around young children?


Well-Known Member
ive been wondering this recently. people(especially mothers) tend to act in an excited tone around young children. they use that higher pitched voice all the time. do you think people should act normally around kids? or does this tone of voice change the event in a positive way somehow?

i think we should talk normally to kids. i think they would get confused by the different ways mothers talk and maybe even 'baby speak' has a negative effect. i dont mean they should cuss and talk about inappropriate things. just talk normally and they will learn the language better :blsmoke:

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LMFAO Why do people act different around children? To preserve the innocence. Do I agree with it? No. LMAO I don't really care. But maybe if I had kids it would be different. ;) ;)


Well-Known Member
just taking a shot in the dark here. When it comes to animals the mothers calls may sound the same to us but the youngster can pick it out in a second usually, which is essential for survival alot of times. Maybe thats a carry over to show the newborn/youngster they are in safe hands?


Well-Known Member
Agreed! My step sister actually developed a speech impediment from being baby talked when she was younger.
Everyone even her real dad would constantly talk in a baby voice to her... and being the shy person she was she would always talk like a baby herself.

She is like 13 now and still has a slight lisp from it.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO Why do people act different around children? To preserve the innocence. Do I agree with it? No. LMAO I don't really care. But maybe if I had kids it would be different. ;) ;)
the question was more why do people use a different tone of their voice when they are talking to youngsters compared to adults. What you said is true still though.


Well-Known Member
sorry im drunk i guess i didnt make it clear. i was basically just talking about the higher pitched voice, and how it affects the moment. obviously its something on the older persons end. for some reason they think thats the way we should talk to children. is it a cultural thing? theyve seen other people talk that way to children, so they do it? or is it just a western thing? do all humans do it?


Well-Known Member
Agreed! My step sister actually developed a speech impediment from being baby talked when she was younger.
Everyone even her real dad would constantly talk in a baby voice to her... and being the shy person she was she would always talk like a baby herself.

She is like 13 now and still has a slight lisp from it.
i dont see how a lisp would be caused by that...
if anything, the child would just take longer to learn the language, or MAYBE the child talks in a higher pitched voice? lol


Well-Known Member
i also think it would be cool to put a small 3d screen where they can lay and watch it for a while, kind of like a mobile. and put on crazy visualizations. maybe it will increase their spacial awareness.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't a lisp just her speech was very slurred so to speak... I was told it was by the baby talking my mom and step dad did when she was younger.

I do think it could have effected her speech at that age, she is learning how to speak at that age.. she could have picked up on it they did speak this way for several years..


Well-Known Member
It wasn't a lisp just her speech was very slurred so to speak... I was told it was by the baby talking my mom and step dad did when she was younger.

I do think it could have effected her speech at that age, she is learning how to speak at that age.. she could have picked up on it they did speak this way for several years..
that sucks. maybe she second guesses herself on which way to say it or something? i doubt the 'baby speak' has stayed with her, but maybe she still has that decision process ingrained in the language circuit. so she has to slow down and think about what shes saying. idk im just ranting haha


Ursus marijanus
Cryptkeeper, here it is an hour later and your response STIll has me genuinely lol. Thanks for leavening my evening. cn

gun' go do my thang now