Why Do Women Have Problems Dating Younger Men?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
So I recently got out of a 3 year relationship. Now when I was 17...I had sex with my dad's roomate who was 22. She has always been around since I was younger and we slept together probably 10 times back then. Fast forward to now and she's 27 and I'm 22. Went to visit and ended up dickin her down. I can tell she is kind of surprised by my age and considering my abilities to make her legs shake. Just wondering if I don't act 22...because I'm very mature and grounded for my age...should I worry about getting attached if in the end my age might play a factor? Or do I ride it out? I don't date older women usually. Its nice.


Well-Known Member
to me it just sounds like shes having some fun. i wouldnt worry about your age unless youre looking for a long term relationship. which probably wont happen with her because youve been fuck buddies for years


New Member
22 and 27, a mere 5 yr differential, is shit. Are we in Jr high here? LOL What, you consider her a cradle robber or something? When you get in your 40's or 50's, ages within a decade is the norm to me

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Truth...it's not just fucking. She expresses feelings. She's very honest. I'm gonna keep tappin it as long as possible. I don't think 5 years is shit either. Just not sure on how to be like "hey, take me seriously".

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
And we fucked way back then. Didn't talk for over 5 years. Fuckin now but its so much better. Damn. You know its good when your sore as fuck later.


Well-Known Member
hey if you both have feeling go for it!!! my mom met my stepdad in a.a. he was 20, she was 29 with three kids under the age of 5. they both were recovering from a mean meth problem... but they fell in love, and he's been around for 15 years, desite the fact that she had her tubes tied and couldnt give him children, despite his whole family talking shit. and, he's done alot to help raise us. he's like a second dad or an awesome uncle. except when we became teenagers he got strict with boys and what time we could leave the house.

either way, go for it

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
pictures or it didnt happen

Gimmie some time. She's 5'4 115 with a fat ass. Long naturally curly hair. Half Italian. And she OS quick...mentally she keeps up. And damn does she fuck. Damn. Haha.

I'm gonna see where it goes. I dunno what either of us wants. I' gonna keep it light..


Well-Known Member
lol btw age isnt anything... i like older guys, always have... and i went to school with lots of guys who had older gfs... if the sex is good and you like her, go for it

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
She's been hurt. A lot. So she is VERY guarded. Its not hard to deal with just gotta navigate it very cautiously. She is the "push em away before I fall for you" type. How she does that I haven't figured out. I think I'm not like her usual type so I hope that works for me. I dunno.


Well-Known Member
just be watchful and careful... who knows, maybe you'll be the one to make her feel like she will not be hurt again

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I'm completely capable of that. And damn she is amazing. I missed her a lot for some reason. I dunno. Somehow I always made her significant.


Well-Known Member
see? all of that is good. just be a good guy and it will come back to you. just dont be a pussy either

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Is telling her she's a stand offish bitch being a pussy? She pretty much melted at that point...dunno why. I guess honesty gets her slippery.


New Member
What? I always dated older women. So many less headaches. Way better in sex too, they never complain it's "too big" or "you're not putting that big thing in there" crap like the younger ones did.


Well-Known Member
My experience in similar situations is to not get attached to her. Let the booty calls run their course, they may last a lifetime, you never know. Maybe 10 yrs down the road you'll still be tappin that ass when she comes around. If you try to force a relationship, you could totally blow it and never hit it again. Most women go for older guys instead of younger because they want that sense of security, knowing that they are with someone who has life experiences, usually has a stable job, and is comfortable with who they are, and it also has to do with maturity too. Ride it out homie, enjoy it while you still can.


Well-Known Member
hey my mom and stepdad have made it work for 15 years, im pretty sure if he cares about her, it will last


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... she was your dad's room mate? What if you found out she'd slept with him too, wouldn't that be weird? Proper Jerry Springer moment.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... she was your dad's room mate? What if you found out she'd slept with him too, wouldn't that be weird? Proper Jerry Springer moment.
ooh now that would be interesting

"Today on Springer, we have Brittany. Brittany has been living with Jimbo for the last 6 years... She has a secret however... Brittany, what would you like to say?

I, uh, slept with Jimbo's son... and Jimbo!!"

Then the redneck fight would be epic...

lol im just kidding about all that