Why hasn't my seed sprouted?

I germinated a top 44 seed sunday 10/25. root came out on 10/27 and i planted the next morning. It's been three days is this normal?

can someone help.



Active Member
Some take longer... Depends on how deep you buried them. Give it some more time, keep em moist. Dont pour water directly on them. It might bury them deeper. Instead, I spay my soil with water.

Also, I use peat pucks. They have done wonders for me in the past. If you ever suspect your sprout to be dead, just open it up. If its still alive, close it and you are good.
Some take longer... Depends on how deep you buried them. Give it some more time, keep em moist. Dont pour water directly on them. It might bury them deeper. Instead, I spay my soil with water.

Also, I use peat pucks. They have done wonders for me in the past. If you ever suspect your sprout to be dead, just open it up. If its still alive, close it and you are good.

Sweet thanks alot man.


ive been going through that as well with my white kc but its finally started to break surface...today is day 4 my others only took 1 day.
so just be patient.
keep it moist and keep it warm and all should be good.
make sure you also have nice lighting.
and likewise, i too sray mine with water..a nice mist


Well-Known Member
some seeds can take their own sweet time, just had one that set a record for me
a jock horror from nirvana took about 2 weeks from soak to popping up from the soil
growing normally now, but that seed was a bear to get to sprout


Well-Known Member
I agree, give it some time. no rush! when its above soil it will take off in growing. longest I have had a seed sprout - week or so. shortest was just a few days. its all good.

Illegal Smile

The root is probably growing well. Sometimes it seems like all the energy is being focused on root development, and alternately foliage goes through growth spurts.
Hey I planted my seeds 3 days ago. The root became exposed and turned yellow and dried at the tip so I covered it with soil. The rest of the root is white underneath the soil. Is it gonna be okay? Did I do something wrong? What should I do?


Well-Known Member
Many people bury the seed too deep. Should be about a half inch under the soil with the tap root facing up
I planted it half an inch deep. Is the problem the miracle grow? The 120 watt cfl? Not enough water? The fan? I'm growing in a 2 by 3 ft closet.