Why is paraphernalia so easy to find?


Well-Known Member
It seems no matter where I go in the country paraphernalia isn't hard to find.

Almost every gas station sells papers and many of them sell pipes and screens a few even have bongs and hookahs.

Like people are really going to use hemp papers for tobacco.


Active Member
It seems no matter where I go in the country paraphernalia isn't hard to find.
that may be true where you've traveled, my good man, but where i live we usually have to drive over state lines to get our hands on any bongs or to see more than 10 glass pieces in one place, with the exception of the occassional festival or general store tucked away somewhere that only locals know about. But when you do find them, they're 3X the price they should be cuz they're so hard to find.
we can still buy blunts and papers at gas stations, but there is some strict legislation in MA about pipes and bongs, and its not unusual to hear about some obscure store getting busted for selling pipes.
i do know a few glass blowers around these parts and they walk the streets selling their wares, but they know they can mark them up shitloads.


Well-Known Member
They are usually sitting under the counter or in a glass case and sell for between five to twelve dollars.

There are two gas stations here in town with them.

The last time I went to Florence,Al one gas station I went to looked like a head shop. It was in Sheffield I believe.

They had hookas, bongs, pipes, grinders all kinds of papers right behind their counter.

There was a big sign up that said "for tobacco use only" I thought to myself.

Yeah right.


Well-Known Member
its not illegal to have bongs , papers , bowls or anything we blaze out of
as long as theres no resin in there but in our cases theres usually resin like a muhha fukka


Well-Known Member
its not illegegal here... but you always see signs that say "pipes are to be used with tobacco only"

but yea, the gas stations have rolling papers, corn cob pipes, them sherlock holmes pipes, and cigars n shit. we have like 3 head shops on the area too


Well-Known Member
well, i havnt seen any stations selling bongs or pipes but they do sell papers.

i can grab a pack when i fill up if i havnt got any. some papers for the road then :p

edit: infact i find it hard to find bongs and pipes, i havnt seen anywhere selling them in years.