why is this so tall?


Well-Known Member
WHAT,,,, im hurt you dont believe me,,,, and I worked so hard....:peace:.. HELL,,just f-n around,,, plant looks healthy enough,, good luck on your grow....:peace::hump::joint:


Active Member
hahaha thanks man :D this is my 1st time growing so if it actually makes it to the point when i can tell the sex ill be happy becasue i actually grew something lol, i have like 17 other seeds so if this does turn out to be a male i can just plant more :D


Active Member
im gnna get 2 plugin sockets and 2 Y splitters tonight and hook those up to a powerstrip and hang it. think thats good for 2 under each light?


Well-Known Member
CFLs are fine,, I did my first under cfls and had excellent bud,,, just gotto keep getting more everycance you get,,, try to get the biggest ones you can afford when you get one.....:peace: