Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

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New Member
Come on put the other EXCEPTS in there like; not on Sunday, and I dont know what time they stop selling (in CA its 2A.M.) I would imagine there its prolly 8 or 9 P.M. Like I said I am not positive of the time - it has been 7-8 years since I visited.
Last time I was in Utah, the store was closed at 6pm (or 7pm, maybe) on a Friday night. Good beer was out of the question so I got sloppy on Miller High Life


Well-Known Member
If its legal, demand will go up, so more growers will be needed. Even at the low prices of $2200 a Lb in some places, isnt that still 90% profit? :)

I'm against taxing, as I dont see a need to tax a plant that does no harm. Cigarettes, and Alcohol, create health problems and peoples driving/attitude/anger problems, so a tax on those seem OK to me. I never see a pot smoker light up then beat his wife or get lung cancer later in life.

Free rule for all cannabis is the way I'd like to see it. Then again, who here wouldnt.

Dopeless Hopefiend

Active Member
Whether pot is legal or not has nothing to do with quality. That has been, and always be driven by demand, and by passionate growers who do their best, (like the wine market). Will legal pot be cheaper? It should be, but I don't know. Here in Colorado we have a booming medical marijuana market and prices seem to be the same at the clinic, or through your dealer, for quality that is. Mexican crap is still cheap and plentiful too. Where total legalization might affect prices, in my opinion, is a LOT of people might just grow the stuff themselves. It's pretty easy, (compared to say, brewing beer or distilling whiskey), but so is washing your car and car washes still do a good business. It's TIME to legalize marijuana and stop making felons of people who choose to use it. That's always been a moral issue. It's morally wrong to jail people because they think and believe differently. It's ironic and fortunate that it's finally economics, not morals that just might get pot legal.


New Member
2500.00-3500.00, a pound, Rediculous. Weed should be no more than 100.00 a pound, 200.00 a Kilo. This is the same greed that pervaded the housing market, the stock market and all things human. Legal should mean free. One could grow their own, and share among friends. Those with better pot could share their secrets and not be in it for the money. Pot as capitalism says a lot about the capitalistic system. Even the sacred herb is not immune. Fuck high priced pot dealers. A boycott is in order. Like as in, "My pot is better than your pot, Na na na na na na"! What a bunch of childish whiners.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
Ahahaahaaaahahahha. That is funny.

Last time I was in Utah, the store was closed at 6pm (or 7pm, maybe) on a Friday night. Good beer was out of the question so I got sloppy on Miller High Life

Well if this isn't a good enough reason to pass it, I dont know wtf is.... Come on guys.

Once a famous person said and I quote pretty close "look to the past for the future" right?!?!

Everyone on my thread wants to argue; look at alcohol and cigs - the jobs it created, the much needed taxes for our govern.

I would like to invite anyone to add anything from any perspective to the list below.

They are both old industries now, which we should take a look at - lets let any of these statements only need to apply to one or the other to be considered FACT;


GOOD - very established, everyone knows what is right and wrong, lots of flavors,

BAD - very high prices/taxes, only a few manufactures produce/monopoly,


GOOD - taxes, legal,

BAD - taxes, increase in arrests, couldnt produce own,

The government is declaring that they are GOING to monopolize the industry. This is too much CONTROL for me to want to vote yes...

Please take the time and add to the lists above, I am beat about this discussion. I hear a lot of opinions or what people want for personal reasons but not much talk about facts...


Who is that 90% profit for? Take the selling cost, now subtract the low cost of production for the governments monopoly of outdoor gardens and the rest equal taxes.


The demand cannot control it if, the people growing are not in it for the smoker. In the immediate future there will be a lot of good stuff that has been stocked, but after that is out the government would have already developed the grow-ops to supply the demand, Variations of strains will be available but more costly prolly far and few between also.

i understand the moral issue. deep down i have some of those...

but we will be giving up all control of the industry to the government/state - I dont know if you are familair with the bill but it states that each garden MAY be a TOTAL of 25 square feet - not per user in the house - not per person in the house - not for care giving reasons or anything else - anything you smoke beyond your garden will produce, you will have to buy. And they have not declared where or how it will be sold in the bill - which leads to more holes in the system and more shady arrests and/or shady law makers implementing laws without the people votes - as in SB 420.


New Member
Professor, I personally guarantee that if I had 25 square feet for a garden, I would have no problem keeping exactly one ounce of weed at any given time. My current set up is 2.5 x 3.5 feet with a measly 250 watt HPS and I grow more than I can smoke. If I had 25 square feet and no plant limit, I could easily harvest as need dictates. You don't want to share that freedom with everyone, because you fear the government will monopolize the industry? Who cares if they do, GROW YOUR OWN


Well-Known Member
2500.00-3500.00, a pound, Rediculous. Weed should be no more than 100.00 a pound, 200.00 a Kilo. This is the same greed that pervaded the housing market, the stock market and all things human. Legal should mean free. One could grow their own, and share among friends. Those with better pot could share their secrets and not be in it for the money. Pot as capitalism says a lot about the capitalistic system. Even the sacred herb is not immune. Fuck high priced pot dealers. A boycott is in order. Like as in, "My pot is better than your pot, Na na na na na na"! What a bunch of childish whiners.

can't afford it? stop buying it and grow your own. pretty easy. this is a grow forum. :wink:

i spent several hundred dollars and well over 40 hours in my garden last week. that is NOT free.


New Member
It is not a fear they pretty much spell it out on the bill.

How much do you smoke on a daily basis?

How much does your garden yield and how often?
I am certainly not a 3lbs a year smoker, more like 1/8 to 1/4 ounce a week, depending. I have 6 plants in perpetual rotation and pull 1-2 ounces off each, depending on how badly I fuck them up

edit - If I had to, I would build a multi layer grow situation with my 5x5 square. I could build the thing as tall as I wanted and keep limitless plants.....if such a design concept were within the law

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
Somehow I assumed you would fine that quantity feasible to grow in such a small space. Besides the difficulty level this would require, I would end up trashing or cutting my table I am set up in a 6x8 room, thats what my system needs.

I smoke out of the bong all day. I have been getting into edibles also, they require a lot of herb.

1/8 a day? Lay off the blunts, hit a bong! I could still manage that in a 5'x5' space somehow


New Member
Edibles do require A LOT of weed.

1/8th a day = 1 ounce a week (approx)
1 ounce = 1 decent sized plant, 2-3 feet.
60 days to flower said plant, maybe another month for veg

3 months per plant, but 1 ounce a week requires a new plant every week for 3 months.

4 weeks in a month * 3 months = 12 plants in the garden. Better make sure to double that as we want to stay roasty toasty high, so 24 plants in a perpetual cycle.

25 square feet for 24 plants....a bit cramped, but VERY doable. Especially if you have 2 flower layers.

And I SUCK at growing so far. Only good genetics have given me anything worth writing home about.

PS - Mom is getting flowers for Mother's day.....dried flowers! Her dealer moved away so I am going to mail her as much as I can....happy mother's day!


New Member

Lets call our discussion good until you address some of the concerns I mentioned in my previous post OR you want to let me barrow a zip.

I'll go back and re-read your main concerns and try to respond. But beer has started to flow at this point, so it might be until tomorrow...
But yeah, nothing but respect for how you argue at least....and I can't spare a zip but I got at least an 1/8th of Black Domina if you're jonesing....a little fluffy but good nonetheless

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
i retract the previous statement for it sounds as you are logical. but it is still unfeasible to grow that amount in that space. it sounds like you can recognize that. the bill takes away some of the rights we have now. this is another reason why i say vote no - for now.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
i really would like to hear what someone has to say when they address the concerns. I have been asking this of a lot of people.

thank you in advance.

lol cant take you up on the black domina. smokin purps and bd and white russian and ww. its too good you know how it is.

I'll go back and re-read your main concerns and try to respond. But beer has started to flow at this point, so it might be until tomorrow...
But yeah, nothing but respect for how you argue at least....and I can't spare a zip but I got at least an 1/8th of Black Domina if you're jonesing....a little fluffy but good nonetheless
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