Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

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its ridiculous

your being greedy

+1 just like every other legal good

Coffee, beef etc theirs always room for 'boutique' high quality or different shit.

Start branding yourself as different carbon neutral or organic or whatever

You will be A ok my friend.


Active Member
dude on your comment about people getting prosicuted???
if your getting in trouble your being stupid.
treat pot as medicine do it within your home or private area. i dont feel the need to take my vicodin by a police station.
so dont use pot in stupid situations and bingo no more prosicution


Active Member
I am a California Medicinal user.

IN California, weed goes for about 2200-3200 a pound (up north anyway). By growing two pounds of weed (which can be very expensive), I can make enough money to pay for my expenses, and keep myself in medicine to keep me healthy.

It is this economic model and ONLY this economic model that has led to the FANTASTIC strains in Northern California that you can buy in any club for 15-25 bucks a gram.

If it is legalized, say goodbye to the independent grower-for-profit, goodbye to the Hydro shop on the corner, and hello to shitty pipes and shitty weed everywhere for dirt cheap.

Let's keep this a Grey area in California, shall we?

People have their careers invested here. Unorthodox careers, yes...but so many are these days.

I'm voting "NO" in NOvember.

What do you all think?
Thats the most shitty opinion i ve ever heard about decriminalization!!!!
Keep it illegal so that the dealers get richer and richer....are you out of your mind dude?Prisoning people because YOU will have less profit?I cant believe it...i would prefer listening to an old woman that says that marijuana is like heroin...she might have no idea about it....but you?that you are supposed to know what its all about?I guess you have no idea too...!Legalizing would get more money to people...businesses would start and employees would get hired!Everyone would try yo have the best weed cause there would be competition on market!And marketing competition gives people better products!And most important of all is the FREEDOM of people to use a plant that never harmed anybody!!!!
I think you should give it a thought!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
it's already legal with NO LIMITS. anyone in cali can pretty much get a med card.
Damn yall got it made in the shade! I live in the wrong sunshine state. If you get a lb of dank in FL. for under 4200 you are doing good. Q's go for 13. To a career drug dealer if legalization dropped the price down too much on green then they would just sell blow instead.


Well-Known Member
i have outdoor at 2400 a pound and can't even find anyone to look at it. the state is still flooded from last year.

i have not decided how i will vote on this yet. i think i will take some time to really find out what it all means. it was written and is mostly funded by ONE club owner. there is a split among the medical community on how beneficial this really is.


Well-Known Member
i have outdoor at 2400 a pound and can't even find anyone to look at it. the state is still flooded from last year.

i have not decided how i will vote on this yet. i think i will take some time to really find out what it all means. it was written and is mostly funded by ONE club owner. there is a split among the medical community on how beneficial this really is.
Dude I could retire in a couple of years if I could cop lbs for 24. There is never a drought on dank but reggie has been almost extinct for the last 18 months due to the boarder patrol tightening up in mexico.


Well-Known Member
Dude I could retire in a couple of years if I could cop lbs for 24. There is never a drought on dank but reggie has been almost extinct for the last 18 months due to the boarder patrol tightening up in mexico.
if you look hard enough you could probably find it cheaper. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
how can i grow my needed 3 pounds per year when i'm only allowed to posses an ounce at a time?

if someone can answer this i may vote YES.



Well-Known Member
I really can't believe anyone wouldn't want this legalized except for the cartels and law enforcement.
Obviously you never did time for the plant or else you would feel differently.
You voting no is a direct insult to all the good brothers and sisters doing time fighting the good fight.
All because you want to stay in your little bubble? How very selfish of you and all the other
"established" growers who feel the same way.
I can see your point of view very little; you can't get rid of your weed now at the market prices you were charging 5 years ago
and you see it only going lower. Well I guess that is incentive to start really producing some killer dank than.
What is happening in California needs to happen for the benefit of the entire country and not be railroaded
by a bunch of growers who are afraid of change.

Quit being selfish and vote yes even if that means "gasp" you actually have to work for someone else..


Well-Known Member
i havent read the new law, because it dosnt apply to me, but what if the law stayed the same for medical users and the new law affected only casual users?

i would love to be able to go to the corner store and buy a pack of cigarette sized joints and be able to smoke one without fear of cops jumping up my ass anywhere i want, no matter the price quality or tax


Well-Known Member
if you look hard enough you could probably find it cheaper. :eyesmoke:
Yea it's cheaper sometimes but the market is pretty locked down. I was born and raised here and am in my 30's so I get it as cheap as it can be. The only time good ass deals come around is when someone from Cali has the balls to drive it across country and I get down on some of that action. The local growers don't budge on the price tho which is why they get robbed quite often.
Any outright legalization is better than none, stop sending people to jail over victimless crimes, not to mention 3 strikes and you do life over pot like the guy in TX...don't worry about prices. Competition lowers prices and increases quality...

The limit needs to be killed but after a few years they will get rid of it alltogether but let them feel safer about it now and deal with it later...but by all means, VOTE YES!


i know everyone does not have the time to actually read the initiative, but if you had you would recognize there will be so much regulation that there will still be an underground industry. alcohol is legal yet it is completely illegal to make moonshine, which is made from corn. it is legal to buy the poppey plant in berkeley but illegal to process the plant for opium.
people need to not go to jail over a plant that has been known by our own government to cure cancer since 1850's.
the sad truth is that even though Richard Lee has put so much money into this initiative to the point it is getting world wide attention, it probably will not pass.
think about it.
it may be the right thing to do, legalization, but our government spends upwards of 10 billion dollars a year on the war on weed. that is thousands of jobs from the CIA to the DEA and almost every city's police departments have a drug task force (for weed and other drugs).

gotta go for now. i have more i'd like to write.

read this:
Obama and Afghanistan: America’s Drug-Corrupted War

everyone check into this book: The Strength of the Pack: The Personalities, Politics and Espionage Intrigues That Shaped the DEA

peace, stoners. :)


Well-Known Member
how can i grow my needed 3 pounds per year when i'm only allowed to posses an ounce at a time?

if someone can answer this i may vote YES.
simply don't cop to the excess weight. i can't see the gestapo busting down every stoner's door with a scale in hand, in an attempt to regulate a legal product. can you? do what we have always done, carry what you need and keep the rest stashed for use as needed. just as with speed limits, we fudge the limits and pay the price when we get caught. it's the game we all play with those insignificant regulations on our existence.


Active Member
we can always rewrite and revote next year. sometimes it's best to take things slow. we don't just get one chance. if it doesn't pass this time it can be fixed. :)
See this is where you are completely wrong, brother....

If this proposition doesn't pass because stoners are too lazy to vote and selfish asshole commercial growers like the OP want to keep making an easy buck from the prohibition on cannabis, it will set back the legalization movement 20 years.

First of all, the anti-pot crusaders would be invigorated in the activism and will start to try to chip away at progress we've already made, like decriminalization and MMJ in some states. Every asshole republican legislator will be on meet the press or fox sunday talking about how even the hippies out in california think pot is dangerous and don't want it legal. The 24/7 newsmedia will spin this for weeks (as long as no celebrities die...) saying the same thing and asking what this means for the legalization movement. Pretty soon you'll find support for pot law reform dwindling and it will be another 20-30 years before legalization is up for a vote again.

There will be no second chances. You can pass something else to improve this law later, but if this thing fails, that will be it for some time. Please don't fuck this up for everyone california. Please.

And on top of everything, the whole argument against this is completely absurd. You're saying you would rather risk felony prosecution for growing illegally rather than face a penalty for exceeding the number of plants your are LEGALLY allowed to grow? That seems kinda retarded if you ask me.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
how can i grow my needed 3 pounds per year when i'm only allowed to posses an ounce at a time?

if someone can answer this i may vote YES.

doesn't work that way.

once again, if 10 of us live here we are still limited to 1 garden per household.

read the initiative.
how do you grow your 3lb's now
just do it anyways
just vote yes so that we can get closer to the goal and in the mean time
grow what ever you like

the laws now dont allow you to grow what you need do they ????
just do what you want
but vote yes
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