Why Republicans are effing morons by Jack Handy


Well-Known Member
What makes it useless babble is saying that the right wants "big government"... that equates to verbal asshattery as we all know nothing could be further from the truth.
let's see if your words comport with reality.

if the right doesn't want big government, and the left does, you'd expect to see more government employees under lefties than righties.

let's check the historical record:

turns out (unsurprisingly) that your right wing talking point is completely false and out of step with actual historical reality.


righties are too easy.


Well-Known Member
Gtfo, to even suggest things are better regarding MMJ as a whole is utter retardation, everything else you said isnt even worth addressing. I dont remember entire cities trying to get shut down before or increasing federal pressure/regulations/raids. I live in C.O. too dummy were talking broad spectrum here. No amount of insults will take away from your previous dismal failure, move along.

busts on dispensaries here in oregon have gone up infiniti percent. reason why is because there were no dispensaries before the holder memo.

so let's see, more dispensaries isn't a sign of things getting better regarding medical cannabis?

that's about as laughable as your straight up LIE that righties favor smaller government. your words and your actions are in direct opposition to each other.


Well-Known Member
What makes it useless babble is saying that the right wants "big government"... that equates to verbal asshattery as we all know nothing could be further from the truth.

Edit: also I pointed out it came from Jack Handey to be an asshole, the OP put jack handy, which sounds like something I used to get in high school.
Rhetoric and reality aren't the same things. Current Republican leadership consists of hardcore authoritarians almost exclusively and most Republicans I know who claim to want government out of their lives actually don't, and by most, I mean all who self identify as a Republican.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Cute, but not quite. Lefties are big govt but hire prvt. Like the gas regs, you'll notice, if you could pump gas, the cert sticker is prtv not govt. Left makes new regs, more people go on programs but fewer work accepting. Less can be more.


Well-Known Member
So basically the point of this thread is,
the government has the power and will ultimately win in the end; so its better to be on the winning team than be a loser.

Do I understand Mr. Handy correctly?


Well-Known Member

busts on dispensaries here in oregon have gone up infiniti percent. reason why is because there were no dispensaries before the holder memo.

so let's see, more dispensaries isn't a sign of things getting better regarding medical cannabis?

that's about as laughable as your straight up LIE that righties favor smaller government. your words and your actions are in direct opposition to each other.
Are we still going to assume that Eric Holder has credibility? Or are we on to the fact that he lies and is a threat to our nation's security? The same person who is supposed to work with the ATF to keep guns away from criminals, is instead putting assault rifles in the hands of homicidal drug lords.


Well-Known Member
Are we still going to assume that Eric Holder has credibility? Or are we on to the fact that he lies and is a threat to our nation's security? The same person who is supposed to work with the ATF to keep guns away from criminals, is instead putting assault rifles in the hands of homicidal drug lords.
name a time in american history where more dispensaries opened up other than right after the holder memo was put out there.

go ahead, name me one time in american history where medical cannabis dispensaries were more widespread than they are right now.

go ahead, socky McJizzsock. tell me.


Well-Known Member
Cute, but not quite. Lefties are big govt but hire prvt. Like the gas regs, you'll notice, if you could pump gas, the cert sticker is prtv not govt. Left makes new regs, more people go on programs but fewer work accepting. Less can be more.
what a waste of 256 characters.

our current president has shrunk government workers and the deficit.

the GOP has always grown government and the deficit.

this is historical fact.

wipe the sand out, and move on. i'll offer you some humanely produced eggs. don't worry, we haven't eaten our non-layers yet. this should be kosher for a vegan. natural death of chicken, eat their eggs while they make them.


Well-Known Member
name a time in american history where more dispensaries opened up other than right after the holder memo was put out there.

go ahead, name me one time in american history where medical cannabis dispensaries were more widespread than they are right now.

go ahead, socky McJizzsock. tell me.
You keep repeating this as if it even matters. It doesn't. He supposedly (actually of course he didn't and in fact stated in the same memo you folks seem to cling to like idiots that Federal law trumps all and will be enforced) said one thing, did another. Or are you gonna claim Harborside wasn't law biding (as well as countless other law biding dispensaries that were closed) too? At least you seem to mostly have given up on that blatant load of BS.

How do you feel about due process UB? Because Holder thinks the executive making unilateral decisions = due process.

Personally i don't like to support blatant authoritarians in light of history (given your Jewish background I'd think you might understand better than some), but if you're stupid enough to do so, be my guest.


Well-Known Member
You keep repeating this as if it even matters. It doesn't. He supposedly (actually of course he didn't and in fact stated in the same memo you folks seem to cling to like idiots that Federal law trumps all and will be enforced) said one thing, did another. Or are you gonna claim Harborside wasn't law biding (as well as countless other law biding dispensaries that were closed) too? At least you seem to mostly have given up on that blatant load of BS.

How do you feel about due process UB? Because Holder thinks the executive making unilateral decisions = due process.

Personally i don't like to support blatant authoritarians in light of history (given your Jewish background I'd think you might understand better than some), but if you're stupid enough to do so, be my guest.
ok. interesting.

you just compared harborside to the holocaust.

jesus fucking christ.

we're done here.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Bucky Katt,
I haven't had eggs in years. Last week I made the mistake of eating a kaiser bun with eggs. I usually get my buns from Sprouts but a week ago I got it at Ralphs. I was deathly sick the next day. I looked at the ingredients, egg yolks. I was sad


Well-Known Member
ok. interesting.

you just compared harborside to the holocaust.

jesus fucking christ.

we're done here.

Indeed, you support politicians supported by banks that supported Hitler and knew his plans completely. Guys like Max Warburg (supposedly Jewish) sat on the board of IG Farben. The guys he sat on the board with all ended up on trial because according to the Nuremberg trials 'There was no way they couldn't know what was happening'. Well, that and of course the money set aside courtesy the Dawes & Young plans (800m from the Rothschild and Rockefeller cartels -> the major cartels responsible for the German war machine IG Farben & Vereingte Stahlwerke , many technology transfers occurred as well, critical ones, courtesy these deals, that allowed them to fight a war they otherwise could never have even dreamed of starting) to ensure Hitler was pushed into power as well as the power vacuum created for him by the bankers who still, to this day, support the politicians you support.

So UB, Judicial Process =/= Due Process?


New Member
So basically the point of this thread is,
the government has the power and will ultimately win in the end; so its better to be on the winning team than be a loser.

Do I understand Mr. Handy correctly?
This was not actually written by Jack Handy, I crafted it in roughly 5 seconds, Jack Handy I thought was a fictional character from the SNL skits in the 90s that I thought everyone would recognize... I admit I did fumble my wording a bit but the point of this thread is... to put it bluntly:

What the fuck is wrong with mainstream republicans are they that gullible or just retarded?

Primary Reason I have come to this conclusion:
A) You can't have a government and a free market at the same time, certainly not indefinitely, and certainly not the big government which they currently work for and prop up.

By that alone I conclude that Republicans are completely full of shit and your incredibly guliable or mentally handi capped if you support main stream republican authoritarianism you might as well be a democrat.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
This was not actually written by Jack Handy, I crafted it in roughly 5 seconds, Jack Handy I thought was a fictional character from the SNL skits in the 90s that I thought everyone would recognize... I admit I did fumble my wording a bit but the point of this thread is... to put it bluntly:

What the fuck is wrong with mainstream republicans are they that gullible or just retarded?

Primary Reason I have come to this conclusion:
A) You can't have a government and a free market at the same time, certainly not indefinitely, and certainly not a big government.

By that alone I conclude that Republicans are completely full of shit.
freedom is 14 and in politics class in HS, silly freshmen
Our political system has been, for many years, a debate on whether we should have a kinder gentler police state or a plantation with a human face.

Government, by its very nature, can do nothing right. Take the most honest decent, liberal man, put him in charge of a bureaucracy, and he will honestly, decently and liberally screw things up.


Well-Known Member
The Republican platform has always preached limited government and individual freedom. They preach this on the stump and run campaigns based on it. Then they get elected and spend like crazy to keep their jobs and act no different than the other party.

I was optimistic about the tea party when it was a Liberty movement, but then the Palins, the "I'm not a witch" lady took over. They even helped keep Harry Reid in power at a time the cookie monster could have beat him.

I don't have the answer as to how to stop a run-away government but limiting their power seems to be the most logical. We do the opposite instead. It's odd, in our own small personal worlds we would never let someone we didn't know or trust have major influence in our day to day lives yet we allow strangers in government do it based on if we like the letter after their name or not.