Why So Droopy.


Well-Known Member
yea similar problem only the entire plants just toppled over and the stems like soft and weak its still a sprout and really small but the color and leaves are fine but the plant just collapsed


Well-Known Member
Over watering causes droopy leaves. Do not water till the soil dries out completly. As far as transplanting you could wait a little while to do that.


Well-Known Member
also put a fan on those to stregthen stem for toppling over.. also move your light closer or use more lights to prevent it stretching


Active Member
they are close, i moved the light away for the photos. i have plenty of light on them. it might not look like it, but damn, when i open my closet door, shit glows. hurts my eyes. got a fan going as well, ive notice that the stems are getting thicker and stronger looking, except for like 2. which i moved closer to the fan. they were transplanted because they were in small plastic cups, and now in proper pots.


Well-Known Member
thats the thin i had it in rock wool which dried out today wit a fan on it constantly it was fine till today


Active Member
Its been 3 days since the last photos, and i haven't water them. The temp is about 80, and humidity around 45 50%.

I don't know why the leafs are still looking like this. Are they still swollen from the watering, or what? They been getting misted at least once a day, when i check on them. Could that be why?

And the 3rd pic. What is up with that baby? I transplanted it to a bigger container last night. and woke up to it looking oh so sad. What is wrong with her?



Active Member
No watering till soil is dry. ok. its hard for a noob like myself not to water. they look like the need water, but i guess they dont. ha. thanks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know the feeling. The biggest part about growing is patients. I have learned that the hard way. LOL!


Well-Known Member
I understand what your going thru. I stressed about everything my first time around, analyzing every little leaf and inspecting them for anything that seemed "abnormal.

This link can help you alot with the usual mistakes by new growers. I found it very helpful.


Just remember to check your soil before watering. Dig you finger in to the soil a couple of inches and only if it feels completely dry is it time to water. Also once they are in larger pots you can lift the pot after watering and only water again when to pot feels significantly lighter. You are not alone we all went thru these anxieties.

Good luck and keep on growing. Keep us posted on how it goes.


Well-Known Member
I understand what your going thru. I stressed about everything my first time around, analyzing every little leaf and inspecting them for anything that seemed "abnormal.

This link can help you alot with the usual mistakes by new growers. I found it very helpful.


Just remember to check your soil before watering. Dig you finger in to the soil a couple of inches and only if it feels completely dry is it time to water. Also once they are in larger pots you can lift the pot after watering and only water again when to pot feels significantly lighter. You are not alone we all went thru these anxieties.

Good luck and keep on growing. Keep us posted on how it goes.
Very good post. That web site has a lot of useful info for new growers. + rep


Well-Known Member
i know this doesnt have to do with droopy leaves but i dont want to start another thread and waiste space...but my new plants arent makin any new leaves and idk why they just have the 2 roundish ones it gets wen it sprouts and 2 other small leaves they wont grow any more leaves they just keep gettin taller and taller idk what to do


Well-Known Member
thats the thing the plant is likke growin into the cfl its less then 2 inches above it like no matter what i study on this web site my plants are like f*ck you and do what they want