Why Tax when you can Ticket?


Well-Known Member
Ticketing people who are parked on gravel driveways!

What the Fuck!

What a rediculous law and the mayor, who's salary is probably based on this bullshit is defending it!


Well-Known Member
I don't get it. Its private property, when the hell did the local gubbermint decide what you can and can't park on your own fucking property.


Well-Known Member
Apparently, this same town relies upon millions every year from red light speed cameras, which are at every intersection in the city. Citizens are trying to get rid of the cameras, but to no avail.

Makes my place of residence seem much more appealing...


Well-Known Member
No shit, and how absurd is it to say that people who are parked on pavement OK but people who are parked on gravel not?

How about if you park off a public, paved street on the side. Can you sue the local government for not providing sufficient paved parking spaces?

I sure as shit would try!


New Member
If you guys are against the red light cameras, you really need to drive in the San Fernando Valley here in Southern California. You take your life in your own hands if you don't check both ways before going through an intersection when you have the green light.



Well-Known Member
If you guys are against the red light cameras, you really need to drive in the San Fernando Valley here in Southern California. You take your life in your own hands if you don't check both ways before going through an intersection when you have the green light.

Shouldn't that be something you do anyway? I mean, who knows when some drunken moron is going to run a red light anyway?