Why the HELL isn't pot legal yet?


Active Member
Hello out there! Welcome to all burners, and fuck you haters! :weed:

Its been nagging me for a while, why isn't this most amazing plant, we can ganja, herbals, etc. legal for EVERYONE in America?? Hell, why not the whole North American Union (we live in one, yea know?)
It just makes me sick, because WE KNOW that there is no negative side effects, except to the phama-industry and the king pins!
Do we need to organize a million-stoner march so we can get our way? There must be some way that the people can rise up and get this phoney War on Drugs (Pot) off of our backs!

Thank you, and good day!


Well-Known Member
patience it will happen. not till we get older generations out of office. its slowly happening


Well-Known Member
because its been illegal forever. Its gonna take some serious persuasion to convince officials to legalize it and go against the years of experience,knowledge, and money thats been put into anti drug laws


Well-Known Member
because its been illegal forever. Its gonna take some serious persuasion to convince officials to legalize it and go against the years of experience,knowledge, and money thats been put into anti drug laws
^^^^ There are a lot of people that have no desire to see it legal. Medical MJ is a start. At least people are compassionate enough to vote yes when a medical amendment comes up for public vote. It is another thing entirely to convince them of recreational use. I've been diagnosed with acute anxiety disorder, but I refuse to take the crap I have been prescribed. Not only does it affect personality, it causes a chemical reaction in the brain that feels like electrical shocks when you turn your head to fast, or stand up from sitting. The synapses go crazy. After 4 weeks on that shit, I quit taking it after doing research online and feeling the shit for myself. The physical effects of anxiety went away, yet it was a mental prison. When I smoke MJ, my anxiety or feelings of it go away. I'm at peace and I feel creative. I'm convinced marijuana has medical and cerebral properties. I doubt Florida will ever allow it to come to a vote.

It's a shame. I face years in prison for growing medicine that grows naturally in the wild. The laws are draconian. The sad thing is, many legislatures imbibe themselves with alcohol while condemning marijuana usage.


Well-Known Member
the union isn't really as good as Marijuana Inc, on MSNBC in my opinion.


weed is illegal because a bunch of circumstances made it possible.

1) communications and flows of information in the 1920s-30s (first incarnations of marijuana prohibition)was primarily pushed through the radio and visual technology was still in its infancy.
2) those years were marked by extensive and devastating wars, which created a sense of 'elevated nerves' for everybody, and threats and events were blown out of proportion constantly.
3) a few americans became very very wealthy in industries like oil and lumber.
4) racial tensions and racism were still pretty much regular themes of daily life, the 'racism' we see today isn't shit compared to what happened back then.

here's how it came together:

the americans that had a lot of money in lumber started generating a LOT of money selling lumber to make paper. they were facing a threat from the hemp plant, which can also be used to make cheaper paper, and is completely renewable, with a new crop every year, unlike cutting down trees, which take generations to grow.

americans who had a lot of money in oil, which was starting to be used for vehicles, felt a threat from an inventor known as Tesla, who was experimenting with methods of power generation and transfer. it was rumored that tesla was able to transport electricity across the air without wires, make people invisible, and that he found a way to generate enough energy to power a car from hemp-seed oil and electricity. it was later proven that tesla never managed to 'teleport' electricity (even though that scene in the Prestige is badass), but the Tesla coil came from this work. as for the accounts of invisibility and hemp-seed oil, those stayed as rumors, but that's beside the point.

with these two industry giants facing threats they took action and bankrolled "reefer madness". this movie, widely considered one of the most influential audio-visual presentations in history, set off the anti-marijuana boom. the movie, which is unapologetically racist, depicts white women being attacked by mexicans, driven to madness by the 'reefer'.

after that, religious and social groups began organizing against weed, with the pro-weed movement was relegated to the 'misfits'. the hippie movement didn't help.

before we knew it, the US government found itself spending billions of dollars to illegalize marijuana, to portray it as a bad drug, to eradicate it from nature.

yet weed is still being smoked, more than ever, the US is among the most 'drug-addicted' nations in the world, and marijuana smokers are considered criminals....


Active Member
Thanks for your comments, I can hear the gears turning. There's no doubt that progress towards legalization has been made. Here in my state, California, theres Proposotion 19, which aims to cap and tax mj, and I mean TAX THE HELL OUT OF IT. I'm sorry for being snobbish with my freedom, but I'm not happy that they plan on regulating mj insteed of scrubbing mj laws off the books completely! And sorry to say, but the chances of Prop 19 passing aren't looking good!

We are a minority, unfortionately. And this is what is the problem with our democracy/corporatocracy. They have stolen our right to grow the best plant on Earth to protect the wealth of a few. Then on top of that, with the propaganda, they have actually turned the majority against us. But I feel that we are winning the majority back. Do we need a Ghandi 2.0 style revolution? Should we try writing to our Congressmen? There has to be a tipping point, which is the fastest way to it?


Active Member
because if they legalized it so many of political people and law enforcement agencys would loose their income. Watch "The Union: the business behind getting high."

marijuana social site

Too much money for the liquor industry, too much money for the prescription drug industry, too much money for the cops seizing personal property and selling it for their own gain and too much money for the courts charging large fines and court costs.

It's all about the Benjamin’s.

It won’t change until the people demand it! S


New Member
As long as the corporate structure rules the country/world, it will never be "legal". There is way too much money to be made off of production and taxation to allow legalization. The days of people rule is gone. The corporations rule the world, and will never give up power, IE, Money is power and they damn well know it.