Why we really aren't going to the moon....

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Well-Known Member
I realize there is tons of photos and what not discrediting our trip to the moon. But didn't Armstrong plant a mirror on the moon that people and students use to bounce lazers or whatever off of it? Also, that era was some heavy cold war madness. I'm sure the Russians were keeping a close eye on us. If we didn't go there I'm sure by now they would have said something.

I have no clue what H3 is. Is that a Hummer? :-P


New Member
I realize there is tons of photos and what not discrediting our trip to the moon. But didn't Armstrong plant a mirror on the moon that people and students use to bounce lazers or whatever off of it? Also, that era was some heavy cold war madness. I'm sure the Russians were keeping a close eye on us. If we didn't go there I'm sure by now they would have said something.

I have no clue what H3 is. Is that a Hummer? :-P
There was a Japanese moon probe which did a flyover of the Moon.... and snapped pics that clearly shows that the lunar sites are there....even the footprint trails remain intact.

40 years ago....and the entire Apollo capsule had the computing power of a modern hand held calculator.

But we can't go back.....


Active Member
There was a Japanese moon probe which did a flyover of the Moon.... and snapped pics that clearly shows that the lunar sites are there....even the footprint trails remain intact.

40 years ago....and the entire Apollo capsule had the computing power of a modern hand held calculator.

But we can't go back.....
Its ridiculous we dont but really besides science whats there? its not really practical to live there even though I'd be down to be a resident. I just don't see whats the big deal we need all those billions for our wars anyway right?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Sure shot ... you keep running over the same old ground....
simply because you keep avoiding it.:-P
Any response so far has been a vague reference to maybe a few of the nouns in my post, placed into different context.
Then make slight attempts to demean me with such terms as ;
"you are naive.....,You either aren't thinking it through or you cannot....,You are confused.... greatly......,Think it through son..,
it is only fitting you believe the words of China
But to top it off, I'd say 90% of all you have posted on this thread is conjecture. Your position is one of hate and it is blatant. Dismissing anything:evil: Barack Obama:evil: does as Anti-American or Socialist.

With Obama's vision of space, we aren't in it... scaling down....scaling back....to divert all into the welfare black hole which is socialism.
So your position is;
Manned Interplanetary travel is, "scaling down....scaling back...."?
Keeping the International Space Station in SPACE is, "scaling down....scaling back...."?

Kennedy was able to harness the country with the moon missions.... sure there were plenty of problems going on down on the planet, but the Moon missions galvanized the country...it gave a purpose....it gave us a positive reflection of ourselves. It gave the country some thing to AGREE upon.

This is the lesson that escapes Obama. Or he doesn't want to galvanize the country...only to divide it.

“When I was growing up, NASA united Americans to a common purpose and inspired the world with accomplishments we are still proud of. Today, NASA is an organization that impacts many facets of American life. I believe NASA needs an inspirational vision for the 21st Century. My vision will build on the great goals set forth in recent years, to maintain a robust program of human space exploration and ensure the fulfillment of NASA’s mission. Together, we can ensure that NASA again reflects all that is best about our country and continue our nation’s preeminence in space.”
– Barack Obama


New Member
Its ridiculous we dont but really besides science whats there? its not really practical to live there even though I'd be down to be a resident. I just don't see whats the big deal we need all those billions for our wars anyway right?
The big deal is the 400 years worth of radiation free fusion for powering the entire planet.... anyone want to put a price tag on that?

And no SS..... the interplanetary program is what was JUST canceled, at least the part that actually works. The rest hasn't happened yet.... but the Ares rocket is here...it works...and after all that $$$ spent...it's GONE.

Wonderful.... Cost of shutting the program down? 2.5 BILLION.... get ur wallets out..... for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Did we really go to the moon is the question


The Nasa guy must be Cracker..He doesn't answer any questions ..just says its wrong


Well-Known Member
I realize there is tons of photos and what not discrediting our trip to the moon. But didn't Armstrong plant a mirror on the moon that people and students use to bounce lazers or whatever off of it? Also, that era was some heavy cold war madness. I'm sure the Russians were keeping a close eye on us. If we didn't go there I'm sure by now they would have said something.

I have no clue what H3 is. Is that a Hummer? :-P
Here's two answers. Regardless of other questions. Believing and knowing are two different things.

We know someone put the mirrors there. It was either Armstrong, Aliens or God. The Soviets would have said something by now...especially Putin.


New Member
of course how ???? Man never went again since 1972 . Why is that ??? I have more question then answer...so if anyone wants to have a go at it...

Same reason we aren't going now.... the great society sucked up public funding, and was a failure.

Obama welfare is sucking up all available funds, and it is a failure.

Answered and correct.


Well-Known Member
Here is my guess.
The moon holds loads of helium3.
Helium3 is going to be the natural choice for fusion power plants.
Helium3 does not exist in any great quantity on earth.
China is going to the moon.
China wants to plant its flag on the 22nd centuries energy source now.
China made some hints about certain debt obligations and lending practices.
So in the interest of global finance we shit-canned the moon shot.


Well-Known Member
Here is my guess.
The moon holds loads of helium3.
Helium3 is going to be the natural choice for fusion power plants.
Helium3 does not exist in any great quantity on earth.
China is going to the moon.
China wants to plant its flag on the 22nd centuries energy source now.
China made some hints about certain debt obligations and lending practices.
So in the interest of global finance we shit-canned the moon shot.

Thats about right :blsmoke:


New Member
That's right on target.... and is about the dumbest thing Obama has done yet.

In the end....someone will get to the Moon and get the H3.... and rule the world with it (eventually).

This will be seen as a pivotal moment in US history.....
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