Will I be good for work the day after doin 1.5 drops of acid?


Well-Known Member
My job isn't too fast paced as a check cashing store manager but I can't call out so I have to be sure ill be fine. I plan on taking it around 3pm the day before and I go to work at 8am the next day. Any good advice will be appreciated


Well-Known Member
Yea, I figured I won't still be trippin but I was worried more about the come down. If its no worse than coming down from coke or xanex I shud be able to handle it


Active Member
If its good expect to still be awake at 3am so you wont get much sleep at all. I would think of starting earlier or wait till i had the next day off.


Well-Known Member
Your mind will may be preoccupied with the things you discover,but otherwise,as long as you take your time should be fine.if anything say your had a bit too much to drink, no one will think twice of it

Big P

Well-Known Member
i say you should wait until you have the next day off so you can relax the day after smoke weed and chill

your gonna be sittin there at three am dreading going to work in a couple hours

specially if its you first time

you will be much happier if you didnt work the day after the first time you tripped on acid

and 1.5 hits is not good if its your first time,

my first time i took 1/2 a hit and tripped balls

atleast take like a piece at a time and gauge it. i would cut the 3 hits in half and just trip on 2 separate occasions
If you're anything like me you're not gonna do shit the morning after you trip.
I have tripped a couple times when I have had to work the next morning and each time somewhere during my trip I decided, fuck that I'm not goin to work tomorrow. But maybe you're more resonsible than I am lol


Well-Known Member
Haveing to work the next day is a great source of potential stress.
I have done the trip in a club and go to work the next morning thing, but it was a Saturday morning and I worked back-office in a bank.


Well-Known Member
yeah I agree with the people saying wait until you have the next day off. You aren't going to get much sleep, if any..... Plus, the thought of having to go to work the next morning the whole night during your trip is gonna be a big downer.


Active Member
if your arent a noob to staying up late and losing your mind to snap back into the old world that feels a little dif at first... but i had my first big trip at work... i was a dish washer at a bbq place... was a good time:) but its always best to save it and take it when you have no doubts that the whole trip will be fun... but bad trips are fun too! just dont be a pussy and go with your demons to where ever they take you... just flow down stream... after a few bad trips and recovering from them they all but go away... mostly you learn that there is no such thing as a bad or good anything... it just is...