Will i pass?


New Member
Hey guys, Relatively new forum contributor here. I just got some questions about passing a upcoming drug test. It's kind of getting to me and i'm stressing it because the job that this drug test is going for pays a good amount of cash so i'll just ask the questions and give the info.

Will i pass?
5'8 190 pounds
-Weight lifter (Tons of water consumed in the gym and home.) Deadlift 415/ Bench 225
- Worked out with a sweater and long-sleeve on the past 2 days and stood at the gym drenched in sweat for 3 hours.
- Went into the sauna for 30 mins with sweat pants, sweater, and long sleeve.
- Drink at least half a gallon to a gallon of water a day and of course green tea.

Last time i smoked:
From Friday to Sunday in the 72 hour period i smoked maybe 4 blunts within either 2 or 3 people. Prior to smoking last weekend i haven't smoked since September. My metabolism is high and my body fat would be from 15~17%. I eat clean and greens is a must in my diet.
The start of this week i just consumed a lot of water/ a lot of working out/ and a lot of sweating.
I plan to probably take the test Saturday but the expire date for the drug test is jan 5th.
Obviously i know the longer i wait the better outcome but i kind of just want to get it over with and accept the failure.
Any other information will be given just ask!
Please help guys i'd appreciate it a lot.


New Member
yea yiu will be fine.

could always try fake piss though
Should i just do it wit my own piss and call it a day? I plan to take QCarbo that day it's a detox that lasts only 5 hours so i just want to make sure ya know? If you can look that up and read some reviews that'd be much appreciated.
Id recommend, to be on the safe side. Do all your flushing, then the last couple days go back to a normal routine. Some testers will throw a flag if they find elevated levels of many other compounds that are linked to flushing routines. <-- Not from my experience, but I've had to test for alcohol and have heard this over and over again from others there testing for THC. They wont fail you, but they may not pass you (re-test). Luckily, I'm at a company that would lose 80% of their staff if they started testing for THC. ;)

Get your flush on, back to normal, test, wait.

Good luck to you! Shame testing like this exists.


New Member
Id recommend, to be on the safe side. Do all your flushing, then the last couple days go back to a normal routine. Some testers will throw a flag if they find elevated levels of many other compounds that are linked to flushing routines. <-- Not from my experience, but I've had to test for alcohol and have heard this over and over again from others there testing for THC. They wont fail you, but they may not pass you (re-test). Luckily, I'm at a company that would lose 80% of their staff if they started testing for THC. ;)

Get your flush on, back to normal, test, wait.

Good luck to you! Shame testing like this exists.
Hey thanks for the information i might just not do anything tomorrow like working out wise maybe i'll hit the sauna thats it and drink a lot of water but should i take that QCarbo right before the test?

warren kirk

Active Member
Used to use golden seal, have to take every day, don't know when u test, but I used to take in military, passed every time.but can't miss day. U sound good what u done. But THC, can stay in ur system up to 3 months. I know sucks. That's fact. Hope helps, good luck, safe side, get clean urine, sorry.✌

warren kirk

Active Member
When they test urine there lookin for THC-COOH, Witch is whats left in your urine after the thc has been broken down by your liver. As you stated your only an ocasional user you should be fine after 4-5 days, frequent users usualy around 10-12 days and extreme users(all day everyday smokers) 65-70 days.Now this varies depending on matabolism and such but i cant see you having many problems.

Thc can stay in the body for 3-6months but after a certain lengh of time it doesn't show in your urine and to find it you would have to test the roots of the hairs from your head and i cant see many companies doing that.

hope this helps.
It cost alot to do the hair test, depending on company.u right thow.


Well-Known Member
no they cant test sex

and the time frame they gave is way off.
i get drug tested monthly if it helps

yes take that stuff before the drug test, the niacin pectin and b12 are meant for immediate use before drug test


Well-Known Member
lets try to look at this from a logical or scientific perspective.

thc has an initial half life of about 4hrs...as low as 2, as high as 6 depending on yiur body and lifestyle... and a terminal half life about 30hrs. this is due to the high logp of the drug aiding in absorption to fatty tissue. and why heavy daily users can have a harder time cleansing. heavy is something like a 1/4 of bud a day, not just smoking daily but attempting to stay saturated...

"an occasional or on-off user would be very unlikely to test positive beyond 3–4 days since the last use, and a chronic user would be unlikely to test positive much beyond 7 days,
it may only be detectable in saliva/oral fluid for 2–24 hours in most cases.
Cannabis is detectable in the blood for approximately 12-24 hours, with heavy/frequent use detectable in the blood for up to 7 days (its on off as they hover along the cut off"
as yiu can see, the curve starts to build with heavy users, but the quick half life is apparent.

, if none is stored in the body keeping you hovering along the cut off it leaves relatively soon.

now if you smoked half a gram with an avg of 20% thc of dank bud the last time you smoked (.1 grams of thc) with a bioavailability of about 20%.. only .02 grams of thc entered your body. the test has a cut off at, .00000005 grams per ml. not total in your body. this means that after 24hrs having an avg metabolism and average hydration you could pass.
i dont feel like doing math, but total in your body would be less than the cutoff after 48hrs having an avg metabolism!. your piss, which again is not total but concentration per ml, will be clean after 24

in my line of work, i get drug tested often.
ive smoked ~40hrs before testing and passed, i smoke a few times daily...currently a medium user

now as i mentioned in the other thread you posted. when ingesting prescribed marinol they test for delta 11 as thats whats formed in the liver from 9-thc. they look for thc cooh to see if your supplementing with cannabis of an outside source as no thca is produced when making this synthetic preparation.

when smoked yiu loose the cooh carboxyl group allowing yiu to get high..there is little to test for anyway

all this other nonsense is propaganda spread by mostly non scientific outlets. probably confused as to what initial and terminal half life means and to keep people thinking they will test dirty