Will my grow set up work


New Member
Hi its my first grow. I ordered short rider auto fem seeds from nirvana an have setup a homemade grow tent/box. Its an old homemade cage that stands 4 1/2 ft tall 3ft wide and deep I have a 10 inch exhaust fan with a fan inside the cage is insulated with aluminum foil an than was sealed all the way around .... I know redneck lol but it works I hope.... I also have fox farm nutrients with cha ching my light source is a hydro farm 430watt ups light I thought of getting a few cfl bulbs around 70 watt each for veg stage an I also thought of getting another exhaust fan or duct booster with filter to bring fresh air from outside. I don't want to go wrong with this grow any help tips I'd appreciate it thanks



Well-Known Member
well first of all I hate to tell you (sorry) that tin foil sucks, both for reflection as it can curse hot spots and for heat as it trap the heat from your 430W ... HPS ?

but atleast you got Auto seed`s with the light leaks I see in the picture, if you want to grow regular seed`s you need to address that problem (a grow tent would easily fix all your "problems")

10" exhaus fan also seem`s a bit small but if it is a canfan of good quality Im sure it can handle your small space and the 430W

a cool tube 400w_hpsmh_digital_ballast_air_cool_tube_grow_lights_set8.jpgon the 430W can help with heat problems if you run in too them at some point

and don't worry a about intake ventilation, better invest in a bigger outtake ventilation 125/150mm with a filter on it for odor once your plants start to flower/smell

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if I where in your place, my shopping list would include a 6" ventilation/filter combo and a cool tube to fit beside a 3x3x6ft tent

Ooh yea and a few small CFLs for veg sounds like a great idea, no need to run 430W on a few small Auto seedlings, just make sure they are in 6500K (Kelvin = color of the light) or atleast 5000K, the 2700K have a majority of Red light and very little blue light and works best in flowering, tho if you add multiply CFLs I would still mix in a single one with the 6500/5000K for a border spectrum


New Member
Yeah I thought of the foil possibly causing heat spots. Any ideas I could use alternatively. And the leaks are there because this was before it was finished. And do you think that white shiny hard poster board would work instead of foil? Thanks great info

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Hi its my first grow. I ordered short rider auto fem seeds from nirvana an have setup a homemade grow tent/box. Its an old homemade cage that stands 4 1/2 ft tall 3ft wide and deep I have a 10 inch exhaust fan with a fan inside the cage is insulated with aluminum foil an than was sealed all the way around .... I know redneck lol but it works I hope.... I also have fox farm nutrients with cha ching my light source is a hydro farm 430watt ups light I thought of getting a few cfl bulbs around 70 watt each for veg stage an I also thought of getting another exhaust fan or duct booster with filter to bring fresh air from outside. I don't want to go wrong with this grow any help tips I'd appreciate it thanks

You will have to play with it till you dial your micro climate in....Control the temps in your space....thats the hardest thing when desigining any grow set up. Play with it and you will figure things out as you go. My advise to you is not your set up...its the nute line your going to be using. DO NOT USE THE NUTES AS RECOMMENDED on the bottle. Cut that shit to a quarter of what it calls for. Introduce nutes slowly...a little at a time. Let the plants become familiar with what your feeding them. That shit will nuke your garden in a heart beat...believe me I know. Start off with a good potting mix and keep using that same mix to transplant and you will NOT NEED nutes for a good while. I NEVER start feeding nutes until my plants are showing pre flowers...about 7 to 10 nodes. Then I gradually start feeding based on what my plants tell me they need....usually at that stage it is slightly elevated levels of N....Key word...SLIGHTLY!!! More is def not better with young plants and actually that rule applies at all times...even when they are larger. Get to know your plants...they tell you what they need. It takes a while to learn plant language but once you do....you will grow some great bud!!!


Well-Known Member
alternative to Maylor witch is the best reflective material is emergency blankets (some first aid kits have em, some 1$ stores have em, can be found on e-bay for next to nothing and shipping is cheap and they do weight nothing) also them heat/ice covers for Car windows if you have some around can be used (silver like)

dont know your ventilation ? pictures please ? but when looking at ventilations look for the CFM (cubic feet per minute) need to be able to replace the air in your box every 1-3 minutes (I would think every 1 with a 430W in there) but try to run your light inside with ventilation running, better to make a test run now then when you got your living plant`s in there, look how the temperatures clime (HPS light do get hot) need to be able to keep them perfect 74-80F in there all the time, much over 80F and you will run in to problems and get less healthy plants that yield less with more flimsy Bud structure, aim for 78F over 90ish and you risk real problems, over 100F you can forget it, if it run short so to speak, you could get another one similar and use two or one for the filter/smell and one for a cool tube

remember once you add a filter your ventilation will also run 20-30% less effective


New Member
Sounds good I know to use a quarter strength and I'm using ffof with perilite I also have cha ching open sesame and bush docter along with big bloom big grow and tiger bloom do you know a recommended temp an humidity range specifically for short rider


Well-Known Member
my best advice to you is to do a lot of reading, there are many MJ grow guides out there, read a few and skim trough a few more and use youtube as well, lot of great videos that can explain a 1000 words

here is a nice link that help me out a lot in the start, a "easy to look up stuff guide" so to speak


and on youtube this guy is pretty cool


and don't worry to much about all them nutrients, in a good soil like the one you use you don't really need to add much the first month and then maybe gradually begin to add a bit, about temperatures and RH, as I said 78F is what to aim for 74-80F works I wouldn't like to go under 70F or over 85F RH is not as important as long as you can keep it around 30-60% tho MJ do better with a high RH in the seedling stages 60-80% wile Veg plants do best around 50-60% and flowering plants like 40-50% (some go as low as 30% in the end to make sure to avoid mold/mildew) but as I said, if you can keep em between 30% and 60% you shouldn't worry to much

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Sounds good I know to use a quarter strength and I'm using ffof with perilite I also have cha ching open sesame and bush docter along with big bloom big grow and tiger bloom do you know a recommended temp an humidity range specifically for short rider

All those nutes run super hot...so go easy with them. You dont need much. FFOF is good...that will get you where you need to be. Temp...its cannabis brody...keep that temp between 72 to 76....thats ideal. Humidity during the veg should be slightly elevated 60% is good but since its an auto you may have to bring that number down as the bud starts to develop...50% you will be safe. I ran some indoor this summer at 70% humidity during flower...not cause I wanted to...it just rained so much that I couldnt bring down that number at all...it was so dam humid. I worried that I might start seeing some bud rot on those big heavy colas but they tuffed it out and did good even at that level of humidity. During flower if you can keep the humidity below 50% your doing good. Veg can handle higher levels of humidity...60/70% and your still fine.


Well-Known Member

did just water my Sweet tooth Auto from Barney`s to day (3 week`s old) and got a few pictures for my album, here is one


5kg Hempy bucket with pure perlite, use the GH micro/bloom 1-2 and a bit of H2O2 right now under some T5HO´s (3x6500K and 1x2700K) wile I wait for space under the LEDs

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
can someone please explain to me in an easy way how to start a new thread or post please??????

Click on forum, rewiew the topics, pick the appropriate forum in which your post should fall under, click on that forum (example: Outdoor Growing ) once in that forum, on the top left of the forum page there is a box that says, Start New Thread...click on that and fire away!! And there ya go!!

You should try to post your thread in the appropriate forum so that it gets the attention you need. For example, if you have a question about grow room set up.....you dont need to be posting that thread in the outdoor growing forum or any other forum that is unrelated to grow room set up!!