Will my grow smell?

I was thinking about growing in my closet using the stealth hydro system with snow white srains from nirvana. I will be growing three plants at a time and my question is will the smell of the plants leave my closet? I have to grow without my parents noticing and they will not look in my closet but maybe walk in my room ocasionally. If so is there anything i can do to help the smell? Other growers in my situation please help.I will be using the sea of green method


If it's only 3 plants you could probably get away with using an ONA Block. They're under $10 at Home Hardware and places like that and they work great for small grows. I'd say that would be the easiest and cheapest solution and it will work as good as any other in this case. At flowering, the smell will most likely leak out of the closet if you don't use anything to stop it. It depends alot on the strain though and I don't know anything about Snow White.


Active Member
If it's only 3 plants you could probably get away with using an ONA Block. They're under $10 at Home Hardware and places like that and they work great for small grows. I'd say that would be the easiest and cheapest solution and it will work as good as any other in this case. At flowering, the smell will most likely leak out of the closet if you don't use anything to stop it. It depends alot on the strain though and I don't know anything about Snow White.

Yea bro the smell is definitely going to get out during flowering unless you seal your closet with something.. I will be needing to do the same thing not for parents just in case I have house guests dont want them feeling like they are walking into a head shop or somethin.. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Mate i would be covering all bases even more so if you live with your folks. ona block works really well for small areas. I use it in my attic grow along with an air fresh and that seems to work really well. Will you have a exhust fan ? this will help greatly also. Snow white are mostly Indica strain i think and this will most certainly stink to fuck when it's flowering.

Good luck mate