Will ostrich eat outdoor?


Well-Known Member
Ostriches are omnivores, therefore they eat both plants and dead things and insects.

Now your question is will they eat outdoors. So I am guessing you mean will they eat a marijuana field... Fuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkk yyyeessssss. There arent really many cases where they have eaten marijuana, but I worked at a zoo, as the animal feeder. Those bitches are huge, and will eat anything, especially fruitful things, like a big lush marijuana nug. You might be able to distract them with food bought specifically for the ostriches needs. Roots, bark, leaves, grass, wheat, vegetables....

They can jump too. So make sure you have a 5 foot fence around them. If it is chicken wire, forget it... You pretty much need something in the ground because they will push or step right onto it. These animals weight a shit load... And they have really long necks therefore they can reach over the fence. There are a lot of precautions:

1. 5 foot fence.
2. Plants 4-5 feet away from the fence.
3. A lot of ostrich food. (they eat like a pony, NOT A HORSE, A PONY!)
4. A fence around you and the ostriches so they cant get to you when you are farming your plants, because they will peck the shit out of your hair and give you little bumps because they peck so hard.

Idk about your friends ostriches but they are known to attack in some cases... These birds are no fucking joke. If you dont show them respect they will attack you. And dont think its going to be like a bird running at you. Its more like a 400lb 8-9 foot tall, bird, known to run up to 40mph... Your shit out of luck if these turn on you, except they are safer than lions and tigers and bears... Oh my...

These things are like lions. I have witnessed one try to attack giraffes. There was actually a case that I have seen on video, where an ostrich fights a giraffe for 10 minutes... Like I said they are very powerful.

Tell your friend they will eat his plants if he doesnt follow my steps!


Well-Known Member
Yes they will eat it up! I have a few EMU in my back field and they eat blackberry bushes thorns and all like its nothing. I even throw my water leaves to them and my chickens who really enjoy them. p.s. watch out cause they can be mean too


Well-Known Member
Ostriches are omnivores, therefore they eat both plants and dead things and insects.

Now your question is will they eat outdoors. So I am guessing you mean will they eat a marijuana field... Fuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkk yyyeessssss. There arent really many cases where they have eaten marijuana, but I worked at a zoo, as the animal feeder. Those bitches are huge, and will eat anything, especially fruitful things, like a big lush marijuana nug. You might be able to distract them with food bought specifically for the ostriches needs. Roots, bark, leaves, grass, wheat, vegetables....

They can jump too. So make sure you have a 5 foot fence around them. If it is chicken wire, forget it... You pretty much need something in the ground because they will push or step right onto it. These animals weight a shit load... And they have really long necks therefore they can reach over the fence. There are a lot of precautions:

1. 5 foot fence.
2. Plants 4-5 feet away from the fence.
3. A lot of ostrich food. (they eat like a pony, NOT A HORSE, A PONY!)
4. A fence around you and the ostriches so they cant get to you when you are farming your plants, because they will peck the shit out of your hair and give you little bumps because they peck so hard.

Idk about your friends ostriches but they are known to attack in some cases... These birds are no fucking joke. If you dont show them respect they will attack you. And dont think its going to be like a bird running at you. Its more like a 400lb 8-9 foot tall, bird, known to run up to 40mph... Your shit out of luck if these turn on you, except they are safer than lions and tigers and bears... Oh my...

These things are like lions. I have witnessed one try to attack giraffes. There was actually a case that I have seen on video, where an ostrich fights a giraffe for 10 minutes... Like I said they are very powerful.

Tell your friend they will eat his plants if he doesnt follow my steps!

Dude, Seriously!!!...................you're killin me here.!! I haven't laughed that f ing hard for so long. That was great. Funny funny stuff +rep for good laughs


Well-Known Member
hahaha. I was high as balls when I wrote that. Its all kind of true (i was an animal feeder at the zoo, shitty job, fucking monkeys!).

What I can definitely say is they are a way better guard for your marijuana plants than pitbulls. If the cops come, they have to deal with ostriches ahahahahhahahahahha. You will have a good day before they get someone there to take the animals away.

Not sure if you have seen dumb and dumber but those things are beastly.