Will pollen stay indoors and effect next crop?

This question may persuade someone from keeping a hermie. If you only have one plant and its turns out to be hermie most say to keep it. However, there may be a hidden down side. How long will the pollen stay active in the room?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
This question may persuade someone from keeping a hermie. If you only have one plant and its turns out to be hermie most say to keep it. However, there may be a hidden down side. How long will the pollen stay active in the room?
Pollen usually loses viability after about 2 weeks in nature or a growroom. It can last up to a couple of months though. If it's just one hermie plant then it prob won't be that much of an issue as the amount of pollen it puts out shouldn't be excessive anyway.

Also, there's a 50/50 chance that it might not even be viable, again meaning that you wouldn't even have to worry about it.

Remember, water neutralizes pollen. So other than flowering females (you don't want to get the buds wet, they could rot), you can pretty much spray everything down with plain distilled Ph'd to 6.6 or whatever your personal preference, including vegging plants. All the pollen will then be rendered non-viable.