will pumping oxygen strait into the soil help?


Well-Known Member
i have an endless supply of medical oxygen and also carbon dioxide gas, can i take tubes and pump pure oxygen strait into the soil , into the rootball or would it do jack shit, or worse kill my plants?
also wondering how i could use the co2 am i supposed to just pump it into the air blowing over the plants at a constant rate or unit dose, meaning on a timer or something similar... any advise greatly appreciated + rep for good advise guys and gals thanks



Well-Known Member
With the co2 tank you can but a 5$ dollar timer and and a c02generator(60-80$) to conect to the tank and release c02 onto you plants. Only problem is with a grow room with no enclosed walls the co2 will seep out everywere instead of directly on you plant. Andno luck with your oxygen either.. if you want c02, use the yieswt and cup method and put the cup under your plant so it slower rises up ward and its cheaper


Well-Known Member
i tried to make a bubble hydro floating grow thing with the o2 and it worked awsome for a while, at first the plant grew fast and the roots were growing into the oxygen bubbling water but it seemed to stop growing so i took it out of the perlite it was growing in and put it to soil. less is more in this im sure