will these fans work?


Active Member
I have a grow space measuring 22x21x31 inches
And about 150-200 watts of cfl
I was going to use both as exhaust. My question is do you guys think one could pull thru a carbon filter made from chicken wire and carbon cloth? Or should they both be hooked up to it somehow?

Any suggestions on how to hook both to a filter is apprecieated as well as any cheap alternatives!!
Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
PC fans don't have the power to push through a carbon filter. you will either end up w/ a wimpy filter that won't kill the stink or the fans will not move enough cfms to cool the room. sorry.
consider ona gel, an ion filter or bigger fans.


Active Member
Thanks guys I'm going to have to do that. Do you think exhausting into a smaller box with the ona tub in it that would be best for it to work or just free standing in the room the grow space is in?


Well-Known Member
Well the ona isn't going to 'kill' the smell, it mask it .. it's weird but it works well on skunk but too much and it smell like a clean port-a-potty.

Maybe do that while you save up for a real carbon filter and fan.. it's an investment but it can last for years and the fan almost forever.


Active Member
Well the ona isn't going to 'kill' the smell, it mask it .. it's weird but it works well on skunk but too much and it smell like a clean port-a-potty.

Maybe do that while you save up for a real carbon filter and fan.. it's an investment but it can last for years and the fan almost forever.
What would you suggest for a rubbermaid or dresser cab?