Will This Light Be Enough?


Active Member
I have 1 75W (uses only 20W) CFL over 1 or 2 plants in a 2 1/2 x 4 space.
1150 lumens
EDIT: 6500k - daylight (not 3500k my bad. i knew there was something wrong when i put together 3500k and daylight :smile: )

Will this be ok for sprouting and maybe some of the veg stage?

thanks in advance

i offer this to you my friend



Active Member
For how long would you say until i needed to add another or more?
Or how long until i need to switch over to a MH? (i would say HPS but dont have the money for it :-|)


Well-Known Member
The 26W daylight CFL will work for veg if you have 3-4 of them. Flowering can be done with warm white cfl but I do not recommend it if you can help it. HPS is the way to go. Even a small one.


Well-Known Member
Since when do HPS systems cost more than MH I got my 400w MH for 120$ , which is what I would have paid for the same set up with HPS. As for your question you need more lights.


Well-Known Member
Enough for what? If you want to crop a fat 1/8 of an ounce off your plants then it will work great. If you want a decent yield look into HID lighting, even a cheap 150w hps will be like 50x better.


Active Member
in the first thread if you saw it, it says enough for the sprout... I know ill need to upgrade lights i was just wondering how long it is till i need to do so.

it seems to be abt 1 to 2 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry, Those little 23w CFLs are pretty weak, but for a seedling, you could use it for 4 weeks if you really needed to. Your just not gonna get any massive growth rates or be able to clone her any time soon.

Man Iv kept 10 2ft mothers alive for a couple weeks under 2 42w cfls, They were fine, just didnt grow much.

Basically your light will be fine until you have to move it more then 2 inches away to cover the whole plant.

Unless your getting a bigger light sometime soon I would suggest getting a couple of the big 42w cfls, you can at least get some decent veg growth under a few of them.


Well-Known Member
get about 8 of those lights and you're good.

but get a different spectrum. get the 6500k daylight spectrum and use them all the way through. you can switch to 2700k soft white if you want for flowering it'll help a little.

but stay away from those middle range 3-4k neutral white they don't have a great spectrum for growth.


Well-Known Member
Since when do HPS systems cost more than MH I got my 400w MH for 120$ , which is what I would have paid for the same set up with HPS. As for your question you need more lights.
it depends on where you live my 150 watt hps and reflector cost me 200 dollars split with a friend, i live in ak i couldnt afford or wait for shipping.


Active Member
get about 8 of those lights and you're good.

but get a different spectrum. get the 6500k daylight spectrum and use them all the way through. you can switch to 2700k soft white if you want for flowering it'll help a little.

but stay away from those middle range 3-4k neutral white they don't have a great spectrum for growth.
so the 3500k i have right now wont be as effective? you say 6500k is daylight? on the label for the light i have it said 3500k daylight so does this mean its lying and its not really daylight? or can a 3500k still have a daylight spectrum regardless?


Active Member
dont mind the thread above. definately messed that one up :grin:
i carelessly mis-read and saw 3500k
BUT IT IS 6500K DAYLIGHT just to clear it up

thanks guys

keep it going

the joint that is :-o



Well-Known Member
Either way it sounds like you have the tiny little 23 watt CFL, go to the local hardware store or walmart and get some of the big 43 w CFLs, they cost a bit more but put out a LOT more light if you forced to use CFLs.

Sorry but if you payed $200 for a 150w HPS, you got ripped off for a "package deal"

You can pick up 150w HPS lights at most any hardware store under $50 for bulb and ballast, they wont be in the "gardening section" but they will have them in lighting section for outdoor lighting/outdoor floodlighting.

buying reflectors can always be a bit pricey thought.


Active Member
i have the germinated seeds in the soil as of now waiting for them to sprout :weed:

i pretty much do have the 23 watt cfl. in the next couple of days i should be getting 2 43 watt since it is wt im restricted to for now


Well-Known Member
if you have a reflecter youll be good but you deff gotta get more lights homedepot loews what ever is around you day lights for veg and warm for flower


Well-Known Member
it was a package thing built in ballast and reflector its actually really nice theres no harwae place up here that carrys hps besides the hydro shop where im going to be buying my new 400 watt hps and using that 15 for supplement. i got big sweet ass buds from that 150 though