Will this work for an easy consumption of San Pedro - Miracle berry?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
I had an idea hit me, after consuming San pedro a couple of times now i think i have to re-do my approach to consumption - its absolutely disgusting.
I was thinking maybe use these ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synsepalum_dulcificum
Miracle berries you can buy miracle tablets it makes sour things sweet and etc..

what do you guys think will it work to make the liquid bearable? any experiences?


Well-Known Member
ANC is that fo sure?
I honestly dont think i can dilute the taste that much hah! its nasty its not the end of the world though its defintely worth it for the trip but if it did work it would be quite cool!


Well-Known Member
Cactus juice is a putrid and repulsive brew, for sure. But I think the only method to quell that revolting flavour is a tongue amputation. But then again, you'd still have to deal with that snotty phlegm texture.. vomit inducing in itself! ;)


Well-Known Member
Hm it apprently turns sour things sweet and in a way you can relate the san pedro taste to bitterness/sourness. Im confused i want to try it out but i dont want to waste time and money.... Why wouldnt it work, is it just that you think the Magic berry isint strong enough to induce an effect that will reverse the taste of the cactus. Or that the cactus is just the wrong type of taste for it to work, or to a too bitter/disgusting degree for it to work?


Well-Known Member
Oh right fairplay. If you tried then thats fair enough. I think im gonna try and add just enough water to the powderized san pedro powder so that it doughs up (maybe add some flour) and eat it like that with a drink as its easier to consume. But yeah Mescaline has changed me, I tried LSD for the first time two saturdays ago, it was great - tripped balls and had a fucking amazing time. But it most defintely was not as profound as mescaline.