Will this work for my Blackberry Fem


Active Member
quick question i have a blackberry female that i want to move out doors the only thing is the only place i have to put it gets full sun for only about 4 hrs after that it slowly dwindles to nothing .Ive never grown outdoors so will she still have a chance to produce good quality bud it will be up against my house in a small green house

opium grower

New Member
That wont work. You need at least 8 hours of full sun. You may want to just keep her growing until next spring then plant outside. She will be big and if it stunts her growth for a couple weeks from going indoors to outdoors it wont matter. Then just flower her in the fall. If you did that I'm positive you would have a nice size dry yield.
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Thanks for the replies, i cant keep her inside because i currently am doing a ebb n flow scrog with 6 blackberries and that is all the room i have . I dont know what to do , i already gave away 2 too family id hate to loose another one .Guess ill have to come up with another game plan . Id put it somewhere else in my yard but i have neighbors all around which im cool with but they might not like seeing a mj plant growing next door