Will this work?!?


It's a 2x2x4 with 5 vent holes and 2 fans. Their isn't an exhaust In it, do I need one? I have 4 23w equivalent to 100w and 6400k. Will this work fine do I need to add or remove anything???

I don't know how to add photos on my iPhone so ill try adding them later


Well-Known Member
dont count the "equivalent" watt that means absolutely nothing. only true watts. personally i would get some more bulbs. your K looks good. maybe buy some 5000K and some 2700K aswell for mixed spectras.
im guessing you mean Feet?
I would say use 100 TRUE watts of CFL per plant as minimum.


Well-Known Member
yes but he has 5 vent holes and 2 fans so it shouldnt be a problem.. as long as the heat has somewhere to escape to and as long as the air is flowing the heat that the CFL's put out will be almost non existing. pfc an exaust is always the best thing to have... i know people who grew plants with a closet some cfls and a tablefan and got decent results. try to get a stable 20-26c temp and you will be fine. make sure to have your CFLs as close to the plant as you can. you have a preatty small space so 1-2 plants should do it. just make sure not to veg for to long and train the plant in veg (topping, LST, supercrop or whatever you think is best for your area..).


Right now my box is staying around 74 degrees is that good or should I still get one. And what kind of fan. I'm in a budget


Active Member
ur good on the vent fan if u have fresh air coming in and a way for it to get out ur fine cfls produce little heat 77F or 25C is a good temp to shoot for