Wilting Plants

Does anyone have any ideas why my plants wilted and died so quickly.
I am using a Bubbleponic System with RO Water. I have 2 air stones with air pump, 12 Gallon tote, 8 - 3" baskets .

My plants were doing great but i wanted to add nutrients and change the water.
I change the water and added Botanical nutrients according to the schedule
12 Gallons of RO Water
15mls/Gallon of Pure Blend Pro Grow 3-2-4
6 mls/Gallon of Cal-Mag Plus
10 mls/Gallon of Liquid Karma

My plants started wilting with in hours of changing the water.
These pics were taken 24 hours later

Does anyone have any idea what i did wrong. Please Help



Yes water is hitting the roots.
The only explanation i can come up with is that i over fertilized them even though i went by the manufactures instructions.
I also combined all my nutrients together in one container - then added them to my reservoir.
Perhaps i should of added them separately.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
definitely signs of under watering, could be what Cannibas love hinted.
are those clones? if so spray them things down with some plain water, place a humidity dome over them and they should spring back to life.