Winter Regeneration


Active Member
Hello , I had a question regarding Winter.

First off i live in norther usa , but i guess that dosent matter since im talking about below zero tempeartures.
I wanted to know , say if i flowered my plant and harvested but only cut the buds off and left the stalk in the dirt without pulling it out or harming it (roots) directly in the ground.
Do you think the plant would survive the winter and start to regrow next spring/summer ?

I know if you cut a whole tree down and just leave the stump , it has a chance of regrowing new branches and shoots and the whole plant , same said about roses and other plants.


Active Member
I just did some searching and it seems that it is not possible , but i will give it a try on my plant during the winter and just cut the buds off and leave the main stem , it will be interested to see what happens ,but from what it looks like at the moment it dosent seem possibly , unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Ruderalis is probably the closest thing to a true perennial you will find with cannabis. I've read before those can sometimes regenerate through the winters of Siberia. But in general cannabis won't survive a frost, so it would essentially have to be frozen into dormancy before the frost, and not thawed until spring. Pretty rare for that to occur.