Winter Woman Shuts Down


Well-Known Member
for real we need more people on the earth that care. i give you a lot of credit for havin the balls to do that one cause i know from bein around christian people when they're in church mode they dont play around at all. which always annoyed me so you can watch you fellow "christians" down a few beers just for shits and giggles and thats cool even though that can turn into terrible sin in more than one way, but you get butt hurt when somethin thats illegal is explained to you to help your dyin wife?!?!?! fuck people are stupid these days.


King Tut
Not to be too condescending or anything, but the preacher is not living the life that God would have him live imo. All too common amongst "believers" of which i'm one.

Sorry to hear about your situation, but his is much more dire in the eyes of a true believer. Eternity is a LOOOoong time.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
a preacher?

[SIZE=-1]BIBLE, Proverbs 13:19[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground--everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food."[/SIZE]

Funny, the bible says nothing about mans laws regarding the plants god put here for us.


thump easy

Well-Known Member
My preacher's wife is terminally ill with triple negative breast cancer. They give her a few weeks to maybe a couple of months to live.

I offered Rick Simpson Oil free of charge for as long as they needed it. I explained about cannabinoids, etc. What I got was unexpected. He asked if it was illegal and got into a real huff about it. If it had been me I would be willing to try anything, especially, after the doctors have given up on her.

For some reason I believe he called the police. So I shut down. Everything is gone, it's just killing me, this is the first time I ever let anyone know. And I did it because I wanted to help if I could.

Don't know when or if I'll ever start again, but I know it won't be there.
i just had a friend pass away in big bear this last wensday. Luceemia i ask an older man if he was still runing the master platnuim og because i needed a cut and he told me he passed away i heard this was his last round because he couldnt go back up the mountain because of the elevation well just yesterday i asked the old man if he could get me a cut back i didnt have it no more, and the reply was he passed away last wensday, i didnt even say anything after that. WOW life is short and thats to bad.. i also posted a pic on my girls page of those roses and i just rememberd we are friends with the pastor and the pasters son is a preacher about my age and just relized that i made a big mistake.. i will for shure hear something on sunday man.. medicating is a touchie subject especialy in eyes of the church not all i remember blazzing out my deacon one time he came over to do his carpet cleaning and i explained that i have back pains from construction and my wrist hurt from the bags and all the crap i have done. HE TOLD ME DO YOU MIND GIVEN ME A BAG I GOT ARTHRITIS.. LOLZ he was black lolz but that doesn't mean anything... its weird.. hope it goes okay..


Active Member
Dont worry, the MD will give her morphine and dilaudid, much safer than marijuana ha. Just joking. This brings up a good point, why do politians get to decide what is medicine, do you go to your senator when you are ill or hurt?


Well-Known Member
There are some counties in MI that are insane about the MMJ. Oakland and Shiawassee are probably the two worst. One has an insane bitch for a prosecutor and the other has a drunk driver for theirs. It's fine if their prosecuting attorney gets drunk at 3pm, gets in a bad accident, then flees the scene to be arrested a few miles away. He and his friends decided he only needed a quick hush-hush probationary wrist slap. But if he catches any weed in his county, beware!
Good luck WW.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
My preacher's wife is terminally ill with triple negative breast cancer. They give her a few weeks to maybe a couple of months to live.

I offered Rick Simpson Oil free of charge for as long as they needed it. I explained about cannabinoids, etc. What I got was unexpected. He asked if it was illegal and got into a real huff about it. If it had been me I would be willing to try anything, especially, after the doctors have given up on her.

For some reason I believe he called the police. So I shut down. Everything is gone, it's just killing me, this is the first time I ever let anyone know. And I did it because I wanted to help if I could.

Don't know when or if I'll ever start again, but I know it won't be there.
Your such a kickass lady WW , this preacher dude is an asshole! You just cant reason with those jesus freaks .. what a douchebag .. im sure baby jesus would have wanted her to oil up Rick Simpson style

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
thank you, it did make me feel better.
I cant take credit for finding this, but i looked it up just for you :)

Genesis Chapter 1
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

You can only know that you tried to help someone ease their did what you thought you should.

Be pleased with yourself for caring...

Peace to you WW... xoxo,

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
He was a Colonel in the air force and has always been a very straight man. What made me feel very uncomfortable was the comment, 'Is this illegal?' and my reply was no not for me. The next thing he said was but IT IS ILLEGAL, whe I would have been saying, 'does it work, how is it made, how does she take it, where can I read about it?' Not- is it illegal.

I live in Oakland county, not a friendly mmj place.

WW, what reason do you believe that he called the cops? Did you tell him your were growing, or that you would give him oil? Simply offering oil isn't really that much of reason for LEO to bust you, and I assume you are MI medical?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I in fla. I'll be here until the 26th. Then back to MI for 2 weeks then back down here for about 4 to 6 weeks. Back to MI and repeat until everything is down here.
sorry WW. get down here, we'll figure something out during a trip to the blueberry patch :peace:


RIU Bulldog
He was a Colonel in the air force and has always been a very straight man. What made me feel very uncomfortable was the comment, 'Is this illegal?' and my reply was no not for me. The next thing he said was but IT IS ILLEGAL, whe I would have been saying, 'does it work, how is it made, how does she take it, where can I read about it?' Not- is it illegal.

I live in Oakland county, not a friendly mmj place.
YOu should've snatched it back and told him you hope his wife dies of cancer.
sorry. I'm pissed for you. Please don't go. I play this horrible early 90's monstrosity in your honor.


Well-Known Member
He was a Colonel in the air force and has always been a very straight man. What made me feel very uncomfortable was the comment, 'Is this illegal?' and my reply was no not for me. The next thing he said was but IT IS ILLEGAL, whe I would have been saying, 'does it work, how is it made, how does she take it, where can I read about it?' Not- is it illegal.

I live in Oakland county, not a friendly mmj place.
I'm sorry to hear about this, and hope it doesn't undermine your faith in people...I know it would for me. Enjoy your time down there, get out before the fires start...the wildfires that is. After a few weeks the smell becomes nauseating.

BTW, thanks for all the recipes etc once again back during the holidays.
