Women - as strong as men now?


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who has noticed that in movies and on TV women are as strong as men these days?

Seems like it is now typical to have women prevail over men in hand to hand combat.

One might get the impression that Hollywood is trying to subtly influence how we perceive the differences between the genders. They want us to believe that men and women are equal in every way and movies are a great way to influence what people believe.

This post is actually going to prove how effective this is - watch.


Well-Known Member
Trying to bait responses in order to 'prove' your conspiracy theories. That's a new low. Inspire a reaction so that you can say "I told you so"? Pathetic.

I don't watch tv and I rarely watch Hollywood movies, so I'm not going to dignify your weak ploy.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps the men will be able to stay home and take care of the kids now. Doubt it, most likely the children will also need to find jobs so the family can meet all of its financial obligations. Repeal of child labor laws coming soon?


Well-Known Member
I can't even think of a movie off the top of my head where a woman beats up a man. You will need to give some examples on that one.


New Member
Perhaps the men will be able to stay home and take care of the kids now. Doubt it, most likely the children will also need to find jobs so the family can meet all of its financial obligations. Repeal of child labor laws coming soon?
I agree with the repeal of child labor laws coming. Kids work cheap. Amazing what great advances capitalism is wreaking, returning us to the early 20th century, before unions freed the workers.


I agree with the repeal of child labor laws coming. Kids work cheap. Amazing what great advances capitalism is wreaking, returning us to the early 20th century, before unions freed the workers.

thats some deep shit plus rep to you


Active Member
I think its us there's some connotation that a lean strong bitch is sexy as hell *agreed* and sex sells


I think its us there's some connotation that a lean strong bitch is sexy as hell *agreed* and sex sells

...............and we all know leeny is has strong has 3 oxen!!!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Only a real dumb ass would ask for examples. Grindhouse, Kill Bill, Mr & Mrs Smith, numerous other movies and TV shows.

And how did this thread shift toward child labor laws? man, some people are just consumed by their loserdom.


New Member
This has been going on for a long, long time. Think back on all of the movies and TV shows that depict the father as being the idiot and the mother as the strong ones. Hell, even the kids in some of these programs have more sense than the father.

Hollywood is nothing more than a Progressive propaganda machine.


Well-Known Member
Only a real dumb ass would ask for examples. Grindhouse, Kill Bill, Mr & Mrs Smith, numerous other movies and TV shows.

And how did this thread shift toward child labor laws? man, some people are just consumed by their loserdom.
You only provided two real examples, which is insufficient. I looked Grindhouse up and it was an epic failure. On the contrary, I can list 100's of movies with chauvinist male figures doing their thing. Would you like me to do that? I'll even lump all James Bond, Clint Eastwood, Sylvester Stallone, etc... movies into one.


I think RickWhite gets the troll of the year award.

After reading many of his posts, I see the marks of an expert troll at work.

Good job Rick. Now stop this annoying shit.


New Member
In other words, Rick ... you are really getting under the skin of the "We know better than you because we are the enlightened ones" Progressives.

Keep up the good work. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Only a real dumb ass would ask for examples. Grindhouse, Kill Bill, Mr & Mrs Smith, numerous other movies and TV shows.

Sorry I don't sit on my ass all day and watch movies. I have actually not seen either of the three you just mentioned.

jeff f

New Member
off topic a little but i just saw a statistic that women now are making more than men. or maybe there were more women working than men. anyway, maybe thay are stronger. i do know for sure they are way better at bitchin ;-)


Am I the only one who has noticed that in movies and on TV women are as strong as men these days?

Seems like it is now typical to have women prevail over men in hand to hand combat.

One might get the impression that Hollywood is trying to subtly influence how we perceive the differences between the genders. They want us to believe that men and women are equal in every way and movies are a great way to influence what people believe.

This post is actually going to prove how effective this is - watch.

I would dare say that it is still a small minority that portray women in this way, but so what?

Is it so wrong to have strong female protagonists sometimes? I have never seen a movie that magically made me think that women and men are "Equal in every way".

There really are a lot of women out there who are quite strong when it comes to fighting prowess. I would never want to step in the ring with a female UFC fighter or armed forces member.

I ask you how movies should be made then. The female protagonist/antagonist should always lose to a man no matter what, just in case, so that the movie doesn't slip up and unravel peoples basic understanding of male/female physiology?

This has to be the most absurd flamebait post I have read in a long time. Made worse by the fact that the fact that RickWhite is actually serious.