Women - as strong as men now?


Well-Known Member
I would dare say that it is still a small minority that portray women in this way, but so what?

Is it so wrong to have strong female protagonists sometimes? I have never seen a movie that magically made me think that women and men are "Equal in every way".

There really are a lot of women out there who are quite strong when it comes to fighting prowess. I would never want to step in the ring with a female UFC fighter or armed forces member.

I ask you how movies should be made then. The female protagonist/antagonist should always lose to a man no matter what, just in case, so that the movie doesn't slip up and unravel peoples basic understanding of male/female physiology?

This has to be the most absurd flamebait post I have read in a long time. Made worse by the fact that the fact that RickWhite is actually serious.
Excellently and eloquently stated! You called it perfectly.


Well-Known Member
off topic a little but i just saw a statistic that women now are making more than men. or maybe there were more women working than men. anyway, maybe thay are stronger. i do know for sure they are way better at bitchin ;-)

That is definitely True


Well-Known Member
Physically women will never be stronger than men. Although you have the odd ball case of super strong women, they are nowhere close to as strong as some of the super strong men.

i.e. women in the military want equal rights and treatment. However, they demand seperate lesser fitness requirements, and they get long hair and ear rings, men can't.


Well-Known Member
It figures. I start a thread about something that isn't disputable in any way, shape or form and yet a number of people are so mentally deficient that they just have to try.

I'm not about to sit here and try to recall all the movies and TV shows I have seen with women kicking men's ass' but anyone with any reasonable power of observation should know this has become a trend.

All I'm saying is that it is stupid because we all know men are much stronger than women in general. Yes, if you are at the maturity level of a 9 year old and want to bring up a "Bruce Lee scenario" I'm sure there are some women who could defeat some men. Let's pretend we are adults with adult brains and leave the Bruce Lee scenarios out of it shall we.

As Viredd pointed out, the tendency to put men down and elevate women is becoming ubiquitous in entertainment. Look at the Simpsons or Married with Children. And now, women are supposed to be the physical equals of men as well.

Really this doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. Stop toeing the party line already and start exercising your damn cortex you mindless drones.


Well-Known Member
Portraying woman as equal or stronger (physically) than men has been the trend in commercials, television and movies for a long time. I keep thinking of the brinks commercial; intruder breaks in...man and woman are awakened from sleep and the man (in hollyweirds fashion) asks the woman if he should "check it out". He is nearly cowering behind his mate.

I have seen several movies that portray this as well, though in my experience they are producing myth over actual might. Angelina Jolee may be sexy, well worked out and cut into scenes where she shows great martial and physical prowess...but it is acting. Put her in the ring with most any average male soldier and see the facade melt away.

I was in the military and had several opportunities to work out in friendly competition with some service women. Testosterone beat them out every time. It is not that they can't bulk...they can, but every male in our company bulked faster and more with less effort. It is

Man and woman are not equal in every way, but I am glad for that. We each have strengths that compliment or cover the others weaknesses. I cannot even begin to multitask as well and my significant other. She is so good at keeping our house running smooth (there are a million tasks involved in it) that is often amazes me.

For that, we work out together and even on my bad days she cannot match me for raw physical strength. She tries, believe me...and we find it fun to "compete". She understands that my body produces muscle building hormones in quantities that hers does not...simple physiology. It does not make us unequal, just different.

Media (any type) is not bound to any rules. Through their slight of hand that can make anything look real, but reality usually owns the day in the end. Why we cannot seem to appreciate and enjoy the differences between the genders has puzzled me for a long time.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I know most men are physically stronger than women.It's just the way it is.However, that doesn't mean I have to be afraid of a man,or that I can't physically best one if he attacks me.It's all a matter of keeping your head in any given situation,and using the advantages you DO have. Women tend to be more flexible,and their smaller size could be an advantage if they know how to outmaneuver him.
As for guys being portrayed as boobs, yes, I have noticed it as well, but I know it's not the truth.I for one, find intelligence to be a huge factor in my selection of a mate.(At least, now that I'm a bit wiser than I was as a teenager,lol.)Hollywood also tends to portray all women wanting children, marriage,lace and flowers.Not true.Look at the Lifetime network. What a complete waste of broadcast space.What an insult to my intelligence as a woman.But so what?It's all make believe.There are enough real problems to worry about.


It figures. I start a thread about something that isn't disputable in any way, shape or form and yet a number of people are so mentally deficient that they just have to try.

I'm not about to sit here and try to recall all the movies and TV shows I have seen with women kicking men's ass' but anyone with any reasonable power of observation should know this has become a trend.

All I'm saying is that it is stupid because we all know men are much stronger than women in general. Yes, if you are at the maturity level of a 9 year old and want to bring up a "Bruce Lee scenario" I'm sure there are some women who could defeat some men. Let's pretend we are adults with adult brains and leave the Bruce Lee scenarios out of it shall we.

As Viredd pointed out, the tendency to put men down and elevate women is becoming ubiquitous in entertainment. Look at the Simpsons or Married with Children. And now, women are supposed to be the physical equals of men as well.

Really this doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. Stop toeing the party line already and start exercising your damn cortex you mindless drones.

First, anyone with a basic understanding of logic and debate knows that ad hominem attacks do not a respected person nor a strong argument, or even an argument, make. When you start with the "Doesn't take a rocket scientist" and "start exercising your cortex" stuff it only shows the true colors of your character. It is an appeal to emotion and not reason. This foolish name calling is best left to school yards, not civilized discussions.

Yes, it is a trend. But it is still a tiny minority of movies that portray women this way. But that is still a MOOT POINT. Even if every movie, tv show, and film portrayed women as "stronger than men" as you say, what does it matter? I, and probably most people here, realize the differences in male and female physiology, as we most likely have since we were children.

How in any way is it a "put down" to a man to have a strong female character? There was a pretty successful, large and widespread civilization called the celts that had women in power and I believe given equal rights to men, years and years and years before the (I believe) romans obliterated them and made things misogynistic, a trend that most of the largest religions reinforce and even our own society constantly pushes onto women in a massive multitude of ways. I find it shameful to the extreme that it was only recently that women could even vote in this country.

You make it seem as if the simple fact that there are strong females and strong female characters out there, that others can observe, corrupts us in some horrible way.

RickWhite, there are countless women of astute intellect, power, and strength in the world. We should embrace positive images of women in any form. Who knows how much progress the world has already lost because of misogynistic bullshit?

Also, the amount of arrogance that someone must have to ever claim that they made an inarguable point is astounding. So long as we are flawed human beings, any argument we make is arguable. To think that anyone could know and argue anything flawlessly is absurd in the extreme. You can be wrong RickWhite, just as all of us can. The ability to admit when one is wrong and move on to a more solid reasoning leads to great character and intellectual growth. So long as you think you can make an infallible point your mind will stagnate in what I consider to be the worst of ways.

jeff f

New Member
First, anyone with a basic understanding of logic and debate knows that ad hominem attacks do not a respected person nor a strong argument, or even an argument, make. When you start with the "Doesn't take a rocket scientist" and "start exercising your cortex" stuff it only shows the true colors of your character. It is an appeal to emotion and not reason. This foolish name calling is best left to school yards, not civilized discussions.

Yes, it is a trend. But it is still a tiny minority of movies that portray women this way. But that is still a MOOT POINT. Even if every movie, tv show, and film portrayed women as "stronger than men" as you say, what does it matter? I, and probably most people here, realize the differences in male and female physiology, as we most likely have since we were children.

How in any way is it a "put down" to a man to have a strong female character? There was a pretty successful, large and widespread civilization called the celts that had women in power and I believe given equal rights to men, years and years and years before the (I believe) romans obliterated them and made things misogynistic, a trend that most of the largest religions reinforce and even our own society constantly pushes onto women in a massive multitude of ways. I find it shameful to the extreme that it was only recently that women could even vote in this country.

You make it seem as if the simple fact that there are strong females and strong female characters out there, that others can observe, corrupts us in some horrible way.

RickWhite, there are countless women of astute intellect, power, and strength in the world. We should embrace positive images of women in any form. Who knows how much progress the world has already lost because of misogynistic bullshit?

Also, the amount of arrogance that someone must have to ever claim that they made an inarguable point is astounding. So long as we are flawed human beings, any argument we make is arguable. To think that anyone could know and argue anything flawlessly is absurd in the extreme. You can be wrong RickWhite, just as all of us can. The ability to admit when one is wrong and move on to a more solid reasoning leads to great character and intellectual growth. So long as you think you can make an infallible point your mind will stagnate in what I consider to be the worst of ways.
yes. plus their hot :lol::lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
It figures. I start a thread about something that isn't disputable in any way, shape or form and yet a number of people are so mentally deficient that they just have to try.

I'm not about to sit here and try to recall all the movies and TV shows I have seen with women kicking men's ass' but anyone with any reasonable power of observation should know this has become a trend.

All I'm saying is that it is stupid because we all know men are much stronger than women in general. Yes, if you are at the maturity level of a 9 year old and want to bring up a "Bruce Lee scenario" I'm sure there are some women who could defeat some men. Let's pretend we are adults with adult brains and leave the Bruce Lee scenarios out of it shall we.

As Viredd pointed out, the tendency to put men down and elevate women is becoming ubiquitous in entertainment. Look at the Simpsons or Married with Children. And now, women are supposed to be the physical equals of men as well.

Really this doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. Stop toeing the party line already and start exercising your damn cortex you mindless drones.
What party? You sound like a weak old man! Is this phenomenon Strictly american? Hollywood is in america so are you. If your thread is undisputable why start it? Want a pat on the back? attaboy!


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm willing to compromise.

I am willing to suspend disbelief when I see a woman holding her own in a fist fight against a Navy SEAL if and only if that woman is topless while doing it.


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm willing to compromise.

I am willing to suspend disbelief when I see a woman holding her own in a fist fight against a Navy SEAL if and only if that woman is topless while doing it.

Thats why they are movies they are fake dude.

Movies have all kinds wierd shit....its called fantasy.

You think a guy can run, jump with a pistol, roll on the ground and shoot a bunch bad guys with machine guns. let me tell from experince you show up to a machine gun fight with a pistol you lose period, you might as well leave the pistol at home it aint going to do a damm thing against an automatic

When someone gets shot they fly against the wall.........guess what that doesn't happen in real life that's not how its work.

you ever notice they have unlimited bullets too.

shit I could do this forever with all the fantasy that goes on with movies. People want to see cool shit if they wanted to see documentary they wouldn't go to the movies.

How many times you see guy get punched in the face five time and he is alright......shit knowbody gets ko'd in movies lol

Those dam liberals lol