wonder what the sex is going to be


Active Member
I'm not doing any fancy stuff here. Just fox farm, seeds and good old sun. This little pretty will be transplanted hopefully next week. Only 2" tall anyway. I believe its a GDP x Kush? It was in a bag I had from a fellow patient.

I have a 1 gallon pot but thinking going 3 gallon at least. Plus fox farm. So when I transplant I assume the 30 day no fertilize rule with fox farm restarts ?

I'm tempted to do it now but, the roots look not bound enough(I put holes under the cup ) . Nice tinge of purple it has. I would hate to plant a male for so long and no yield. Waste of soil? Oh well. I'm waiting for these other two beans to pop. Bit late .

Anyone can wildly guess at the sex?

