Worm castings for a rooted in rr clone? N a prob?

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
My clones are rooted in RR already. They are sprouting roots fine. They are ready to go in one gallon grow bags. There final home will be seven gallons.

The started gallon bag is a light mix. It is one part rich potting soil and coir, one part pure coir, one part wormcasts, and one part perlite.

The upper most layer though is just puer earth worm casts made out of coir that I got straight from the farm. I needed filler to make up difference and that is what I had on hand.

Clones dont root well with N. If the rooting process is already in place then do you guys think it will be affected. I wanted a mellow mixture, I hope I dont stunt nothing.

the end.


Well-Known Member
Before dbl clicking your thread, the title read a little differently. If you are asking if it's ok to use something along the line of Neptune's Harvest fish/seaweed fertilizer```2-3-1.....I'm going to say, go for it. However, don't use the recommended dose. It just so happens that I have been doing this in the past several days...no ill effects whatsoever. I'm so damn bad about measuring things....I just don't measure, sorry. Take the cap and just put a TAD, in there, empty in your sprayer....mist with it---all of it. Make little portions as you are not to store it once mixed.
A 2 reading is very low and you have stated that you already have some healthy roots. My advice, no matter the stage of growth, start LOW...very low, build up slowly. And be patient to see each feedings affect.
Oops, just went back and noted they have already been transplanted.....oh yeah, WATER with that mix, your plants will LOVE it.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Sorry, mate, I meant that the N in the worm casts, will it actually slow the cloning porcess to any degree once began. A little anal now that I read this, but maybe not.

Worm casts have N alrady in them. Also I used coffee grounds to feed the worms. It is only a gallon though. I will not have to feed for a few weeks. They should be good in this pretty nice mix until the third node.


Well-Known Member
Yeap, I realized "later" what you were saying. You'll be good, no worries of over feritiizing those clones. The N factor in worm castings is very safe in my opinion...a few weeks, around the thrid I'd say...those nutes will be even more readily prepared for their next dose. I love organics more and more by the day. I've never personally used the worm castings, but I feel confident in saying you are safe--particularly because you have healthy roots already well-established.
So...slow it? No way, with that dose, which is surely small.......only enhance the growth.