Worried about heat/ventilation



  • So this will be my first real grow. I did a pretty half assed grow about a year ago with a 400w and just a standard reflector. Sorry for the bold text and the dot on the far left. I don't know how to get rid of it.

    Ok so my 4x8 tent just arrived today. My room mate and I put it together in the basement (it barely fits). The tent has some small light leaks, which I expected from the reading the reviews, but they are completely fixable with gorilla tape. It comes with six 6" duct holes, 2 at the top of each side and 1 at the bottom of each side. Still debating on how many watts to use. It's either going to be 1200 or 2000, depending on how hot it will get/electric bill. I want to get 2 1000w and dim them each down to 600, and maybe move up to 1000 for both for the next grow if its not too hot. I'm really concerned about how hot it will get in there (I like to say hot a lot). Any tips on ventilation would be great. I don't want to get a dehumidifier or an AC. It also came with a shitty booster fan, but thats ok because I plan on getting an inline fan as well. Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.​


Well-Known Member
I have a 4x8 with two 600w lights. For cooling i have a 424cfm fan pulling on a carbon filter (can 33) through two Hydrofarm radiant 6 hoods. The exhaust is blowing out of the house. I havent put in an AC unit yet this year even though it has been fairly hot in the midwest and my temps have not gotten over 90. They have been sitting around 80 for the most part.

I run my light from 6pm to 6am. There was two instances were ive had to dim my 600. If you plan on running 1000w lights splurge for an 8" cooling set up. With AC i wont have a problem with this set up but im a cheap ass. FYI it cost me 120$ a month to run all my fans 2 600w lights and a 245w T5 for my veg area. I also have a smaller 2x4bulb t5 i run for new strains and single plants before going into flower.

Just saw you only have 6 inch holes. You would definatly increase yield with two thousands but youll get more than enough with two 600s. I would take pictures of my tent but im lazy. My lights do not cover my whole area there is about a foot and a half on one side were i sit my filter and a large oscalating fan to keep wind in there.

The hydrofarm radiant 6 hoods are beast. I did read some people have problems with the seals but honestly you dont open them up more than once every 6 months to switch bulbs. They are also under 300$ so not to expencive for as good as they work.

The fan you have there is a booster fan i picked one up planning to vent a 2x4 tent i use for veg with the 4' x 8 bulb t5 and its not to impresive. It can vent a small tent like that "ok" but its more to keep air circulating it will be ineffective againts a 600w or 1000w light.

Also if you have the wiring to support it think about 1800w 3x600. You would get excelent coverage in a tent this size and 600w light put out some really nice sized buds. Than again ive always used 600w lights but sure love gocking at the big ass 1000w bulbs in my local gardening store.


Well-Known Member
You can see the amount of space i dont use and i usially end up putting extra plants in the small area on the other side of the filter. I constantly order seeds and explore genetics, it would work much better if i stuck with one strain and focused on cranking out weight.



Well-Known Member
The plants in veg are a little large but they will be moved to flower as soon as the Bluecheese in the daisy 8 is rooted. The ones under the small light is a Kandy kush and a few Hindy Kush (im still trying to get a female out of a 10 pack.).