Worth Making a Box?


Well-Known Member
Just planning on sticking with CFL for now and next grow. Im still a noob and not afraid to admit.

But I'm bored, stoned, and feeling motivated so looks like im spending this afternoon making a small box for vegging. Then later will make a larger one for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Stealth, Im pretty damn good at drawing hahah... graphic design major. What kind of ideas are you thinking about?

And I know everything im going to need as in PC fans, got my nutes together now, gonna build a new light fixture as well.

...Im on top of the ball with this, just a little wobbly if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy making and designing cabs etc and always looking for a new challenge, I helped BUDBABY do his 1st grow cab, I'll add a link and a pic shortly, I told him what to buy etc.. and he manually put it together kinda like a 'joint' project :)


And heres a pic and a LINK to my latest cab :) :-


If you wanted to do something like either of these cabs I'd be happy to lend a hand etc if thats cool :) ? As I say 'I love designing and making cabs - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
What's the biggest cab size you are prepared to go with? I can draw up some ideas sometime tommoz, do you want to stick with soil? What's the max wattage you want to use for lighting? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
So just by a miracle, or dumb luck, I found a small hole that goes through both sheets of my sheetrock. Can see clearly from the closet to the next room. So my plan is to make that my new intake and get it light proofed with some type of bug/ dust filter rigged up. Thanks for all the help everyone


Well-Known Member
Add some pics man! :) How do you plan to set up your current room, now that you can pull cool air in, still - there's no use just having an intake duct though, you need to exhaust somewhere too. Is the intake hole low down, cos the intake needs to be at a low point in the room and the exhaust generally goes higher up!?

How big is the hole you've found? .. You'll need to make an outlet/exhaust hole the same size as your intake to create a 'Negative pressure' (in and out-take fans required), this will ensure a good change over of air and keep the growroom in check!.. with a managable Humidity and a better average temp. and also help protect both your room and your plants from mould...(every Bud growers nightmare) - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Hi, Deffinatly get a box made up, Saves a lot of fucking around in the long run, All i would say is be 100% sure of your design before you build but that shouldnt be a problem for you as you seem to have the inteligence and skills to make it happen, Im only saying be 100% sure as i made a total of 3 grow areas with several revisions and i havnt even finished a grow yet lol.

Seems like a nice area aswell for growing in, If it was me i would frame the inside of that cubboard into 2 seperate areas and there is no real need to start making holes in your walls if you plan it right. Heres what i did with my double wardrobe, The intake comes in from the bottom and expels out of the top, Running a total of 8 pc fans wired to 12v DC adapters and with both chambers running the temps never get above 76F.

Day 2 - 1212 - 9.jpg


Hey Stelthy are you growing with LED ?

Couple a years ago I remember they were to expensive and fragile to be a good option but what about now ?

P.s with the camera is brilliant got a friend that is kind of uber paranoia with his closet so he has 3 cameras right in the box, one for flowering, one over the nutrient tank and one in veg chamber, its all live streamed to a closed password needed channel and he can check it out anytime on his cell phone but it kind of lacks the "on if some one opens" feature

Have a old pc that I use as a media station, gone hook up a webcam from my grow tent and get a program that lets me stream and also goes "on" if some one opens the door


Active Member
Found a cabinet laying around. It houses 200w of hps and enough room for about 4 good mothers or 2 small finishers. I had big plans, but ended up needing it for moms. It hold light out so I could place it in the flower room. With one cpu fan it maintains about 7deg above room temps.

Momma room open.jpg