Worth the money?


Active Member
So I'm looking to get a new HPS and only need a 150 for the space im growing in a cabinet sysetm 2'X4' 3.5' height. my question is the floralux worth the extra cost over HTG brand light.
Here are both.
the prices are 69 for the HTG and 94 for the Floralux


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I'm a little disgruntled with the HTG bulbs right now. I got a 400 Watt MH conversion bulb and it went out in a few months. I called them up and they replaced it with no problems. The replacement bulb just went out (after a few months use). I'm not even bothering with getting them to replace it... why? Why would I want another defective piece of shit?

I ordered a bulb from a different vendor.

I'm not knocking HTG. In terms of their customer service I like them.... but I have noticed the HTG brand (which is really some no name brand with their label on it) products are cheaply manufactured and problematic. I also had a problem with the zipper on the grow tent I got from them. Cheap, cheap cheap!

One thing to consider if you get that FloraLux unit is the weight. It is considerably heavier then the cheapie HTG unit. If you get it, make sure your cabinet can accomodate the weight.


Well-Known Member
i love HTG now, i ordered a fan on monday, it was @ my house tuesday, dude just get the $20 econo light


Active Member
Is this econo light simple to hook up, I've seen the threads on it, and checked it out on the web, but never heard from anyone directly who got one and hooked up up themself, trust me id much rather spend 20 on one than closer to a 100, we've all got bills im no different and I'm always out to save where i can. So if you have used one or anyone on this thread has, send me a message, on ur experience, or please share. And I thank you for you sharing your past experience with them.


Well-Known Member
Inside sun has low prices, but I can't vouch for quality.. for a 150W try home depot or walmart..... they're also found in some stores as security lighting...