Would like some input from bigger growers than I....


Well-Known Member
Ok boys and girls.. I have only a few questions for now... and I know it may seem basic to some but I like to hear it for myself from guys I know are doing it.

I am upping my flower room from 1000 Watts to 2000watts (HPS)... going to hook up a light mover and go with an 8X8 room.. is this sufficent light using a mover? All the grow room info I have is based on sedentary lights.. I want to go with a mover.. so although I would be inclined to go 3000 watts for a 64ft2 room, I think on movers this should be ok???

I am also upping my veg room from 6X 4' flourescents, to a 600 watt MH.. and using the flourescents for clones... as should be.

Everything in the room is dialed in.. DWC for veg and flower.. but.. am going to go aerocloner now for speed.

I currently get 1/4 lb dried every 2 weeks in a perpetual grow.. so should I expect 1 lb every 2 weeks using a lightmover...or is yeild diminished using a light mover?

I also wanted to know if I could get some feedback on bloom boosters... I have not used before. My thought is they are a waste of money.. but I have no experience with them.... are they worth it? I used GH 3 part system.. what can I expect from adding them?

I know they are fairly vague questions.. but I only want an opinion. So thanks in advance for any thoughts..


Well-Known Member

anyone use light movers? Are they worth it or should I buy a 3rd light?
Same thing with bloom boosters... anyone experimented with them? what are your thoughts on them? any suggestions?

I'll elaborate more and maybe someone will have some input...
I have my 1000 watters running in cool tubes.. I plan on having them 4 feet apart and 2 feet in from each end.. and basically run on 4 foot rails. Does anyone know the max distance your light can move before you are not supplying your plants with optimum light? I would think 4 feet would be back and forth pretty regularly.. if it's cool to go longer than that, I have the room to build a bigger room too.. so I could go 8x10 or 12 or 14.

I thought I would be able to get more opinions in the general forum.. but I should likely take this to grow room forum to get some help there if no one's on that knows about them.. I have some time, but would like to get rollin in a few weeks.


Active Member
I use four 1k's and my buddy uses two 1k's on a mover, same size room. Hes going to get two more lights this week. Although he is going to still use the mover. Mine are stationary. good luck, oh dont get the cheap mover that runs on a chain the other ones are better. imo


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at getting the hercules light mover set up with second rail..


So your buddy has 2k in the same size room I have (8X8 )? He's adding more light.. why? That's kinda what I want to know.. does the light mover cut down on the light the plants get to the extent that he needs to add more light? If so, I may just go with 3 lights..
My current set up has one stationary 1000watter in a 4X4 room.. so I am trying to qudruple my ft2.. if a light mover isn't worth it.. then I won't bother and just go with a 4X8 with 2000watts.


Did you ever get any answers, Cowell? I am asking the same questions but can't seem to find any real answers. Did you end up getting the movers? What was the result?


New Member
you could do 3 1000w easy. it just seems like a light mover is one more thing to go wrong and there wont be that drastic of increased yields imo. you said your in a 8x8 you could even do 4 1000w. what kind of monthly yields are you goin for ?