would my plants need tie to adjust to a led setup?


Well-Known Member
im switching from 400 watts of mixed spec cfl's when i add a 300 watt full spectrum led panel would i have to harden my plants off and slowly drop it down or just hammer on ? im growing auto's btw


Well-Known Member
I don't think you'd have much transition trouble if any, going from CFL to LED, I am vegging with CFL right now, and the past week or so, have been putting mine out in the full sun from anywhere from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M., kinda to get them some fresh air, and also get them used to the natural sun for when I go outside to flower later in May.


Well-Known Member
the tie was meant to be "TIME" to adjust wireless keyboard doesnt keep up with my typing sometimes
still fine, i went from vegging with 6 cfls to my a200 during my first grow and the only thing that happened was an explosion of growth.