would putting a seedling right into 12/12 help the plant stay short


Well-Known Member
would putting a seedling right into 12/12 do more harm than good im guessing it would just cause streching but send in your awnswers if you know what would happen


Well-Known Member
It wont grow as much because it wont have as much light hours so yes it will be shorter, but it wont start flowering for 3-5 weeks when it is mature enough to do so.


Well-Known Member
With proper placement of lights, u can keep em short and bushy no problem. Lst is another good way to control height. Topping works as well. How short u goin for, in the end?


Well-Known Member
Hopefully ur talkin 12-15 not including the pot, But it can be done. If ur usin cfl's they work wonderfully for small plants cuz u can keep em close without burnin. I'd say top the bitch as soon as it's big enough and keep the light close as possible. Come flowering time, be ready for the plant to double in size so u'll probobly want to start flowering when its 6-7 inches tall, then if it's gettin too big, lst it.