Would these plants grow outside? Please help!!


Active Member

My friend is planning to start growing again soon. He has just some skunk seeds that he got off some dealer for free that he has grown for the past 2 years outside and they have grown fine.

However this year we have planted the skunk seeds and have also planted:
5 Regular Green thai super skunk seeds.
1 Feminized super silver haze seed
1 feminized big bang seed
1 feninized hawainn snow seed
1 feminished white rhino seed
1 feminised lemon skunk seed.

What i want to know is:
- Would the above strains grow outside in the UK?
- Would they grow to their full potential?
- How much will you get off one plant?

Thanks for all help in advance, much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Hey jordan. Marijuana is a weed and because of that it grows outside. Hybrids like the ones you mention also grow just fine outside. The uk doesnt have the greatest climate for marijuana cause it likes warmer climates. But dont worry they are very resilient plants and they can withstand alot. I you are north UK plant later on like May. South uk you can plant them one month from now and they will be ok. Their full potential is a hard thing to know look up the ideal conditions for growng and you will know if theyll reach it. But dont worry you should get a very big yield plants outside become very big because the sun is pretty much better than any light. It all depends but if they have plentifull water and sun expect about 4ounces per plant if you plant on may.... alot more if you plant earlier.....

Good luck!