Would this work?? I need help


Well-Known Member
About every day or so i get about 30 seeds off of some decent regular weed. Now i have another link where my outdoor grow is going on . There are pics in that thread. I am wondering though if i plant like 100 seeds or so in the forest and they sprout etc etc. Would the weeds actually grow and flower etc etc, if i planted like a 100 or so??

Should i germinate them before or just plant them in the ground in the forest??

Or should i sprout them in pots let them get bigger then put them in the forest???

I basically just want to have like a shit load of weeds growing wild with out my help like that much, ya know?? LIke i would go and water the plants in secret like twice a weeek, and then cut the males before flowering etc etc.

But as we speak i have about 40 seeds germinating in my closet.
SO LET ME KNO GUYS THANKS!!!!!!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
look at my grow journal it may help .. i grow them about a foot then put them in the ground ... in the woods .. but you'll need a big spot for 40 plants


Active Member
it should be scattered in small patches and in spots where there is at least 6 hours of direct sun a day. otherwise most will die and the survivors will have awful yields of mediocre weed