would this work?


Well-Known Member
no one knows?

the room is 6x10x8foot ceiling.

another thing i'm wondering, while i'm at it, i know i want to program my intake/exhaust to be off when its on, but what about oscillating fans?
i would think leaving those on would help, but maybe i dont know what i'm talkin about. so....

whats up


Active Member
Yes it will work. You still need a soloniod for it and a timer to controll it, or a controller to run it.
You can get cheaper regulators from places like harbour freight. Here in canada you can get a c02 regulator for about 60 with a soloniod from a welding supply house.

You need to time your c02 and your intake and exhuast fans. or seal your room run a cool tube intaking and exhausting out of room. occilating fans help disperse the c02. I use gas lenses to disperse my gas.