would you kill your suffering spouse?


Well-Known Member
Today, I'm not under the emotional stress that would cause someone to do that, so really it's hard to say.
I did kill a deer once, hitting him over the head with a bumper style jack after I hit him with my old ford one night.
Couldn't let him suffer, he was injured pretty bad.


Well-Known Member
I would find it harder to kill an animal.

I can look at someone who is on their death bed, who we both know has no chance of getting better, is in pain, and say that we both want them to be in a more peaceful state that I will help them attain.

I can't say this to an animal, they do not speak English. But I did kill a lizard that someone accidentally stepped on and was half crushed. I apologized, then crushed his remaining half with a swift stomp.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's my religious upbringing, not sure, but to me life is too preciouse for me to have the right to take it, no matter what the circomstances are. I will admit that I am turn between should I or should I not. As for what would I do if it was me? You got me there, but then I'd have to ask someone else to do it giving him the price of living with it.


Well-Known Member
This is something you just can't answer unless you've been in the situation. If you ever hold the hand of a terminally ill cancer patient who's doing nothing but suffering, it's easy to say what you think you'd do until you're there. I can tell you this - it's not easy to watch. And I hope if i'm ever to the point where i'm begging for death, someone is kind enough to give it to me. There's a point where you're no longer living - you're just prolonging the agony.


Well-Known Member
kind of like the guy who shot his wife in a hospital bed. dont know if he did it out of love or what. but if you spouse was injured and suffering would you "put them down" we put down animals so they dont suffer all the time but even if a human wants to end the suffering it cannot be done. atleast in the united states. what are your thoughts on putting down suffering humans?
I would. I've already been told that when that time comes to just do it. I'd want the same too. Don't really need to be there with a bag of warm piss around my feet, smelling of piss and basically pissing everyone off.


Ursus marijanus
I would. I've already been told that when that time comes to just do it. I'd want the same too. Don't really need to be there with a bag of warm piss around my feet, smelling of piss and basically pissing everyone off.
Maybe your companions need to just go with the flow. Then everything would be golden. cn


Well-Known Member
there used to be a guy who uthnized humans that were suffering from cancer ect. his name was dr kovorkin i think he was put in prison for 2nd degree murder i belive he uthinized hundreds.


Staff member
hit or miss question really
my family would probably do it to my grandma if they could, she has alzhimers but REALLY badly, like she cant open her eyes, she cant talk, or walk she lays in a home care hospital bed every single day, and has for about 6 years now, and may for another 15-20 years, she cant feed herself she is skin and bone, because even though nurses feed her they dont have time to tend her like they need too,