Would you support a law...


Well-Known Member
For which they do a federal back ground check which is supposed to be deleted within a certain timeframe.

Does your brain work at all?
I support a registration system like this. There are ways to me it work better, no way to make it perfect.

The reason is simple. It would expand gun ownership to everyone.

Not being on this list would be akin to having a "we don't own guns" sign in your yard.

If you put this up, everyone has guns.


Well-Known Member
Wow, your laws are worse than ours.
I dunno.......you yanks/canucks have some stupid arse laws out there, I think its a lot better over here actually........no-one has ever heard of jay-walking as it doesnt exist, if you dont wanna be searched by the police you tell them to go fuck themselves, we dont have the death penalty, we dont have whole life terms in prison unless you are basically a serial killer, most of the public have never even seen a gun in front of them in real life, we dont have mandatory drug testing for jobs (legally, although some companies do it off their own backs but generally only if you are a driver/nurse/EMS etc etc), our prisons arent overcrowded because we lock ppl up for silly shit etc etc etc

I`m sure there are things that are better over there but its very rare you hear of them over here lol


Well-Known Member
I dunno.......you yanks/canucks have some stupid arse laws out there, I think its a lot better over here actually........no-one has ever heard of jay-walking as it doesnt exist, if you dont wanna be searched by the police you tell them to go fuck themselves, we dont have the death penalty, we dont have whole life terms in prison unless you are basically a serial killer, most of the public have never even seen a gun in front of them in real life, we dont have mandatory drug testing for jobs (legally, although some companies do it off their own backs but generally only if you are a driver/nurse/EMS etc etc), our prisons arent overcrowded because we lock ppl up for silly shit etc etc etc

I`m sure there are things that are better over there but its very rare you hear of them over here lol
Dude, Im Irish, cool the beans.

I was saying I couldn't believe your gun laws are stricter than ours.


Well-Known Member
most of the public have never even seen a gun in front of them in real life,
When my Danish and English cousins come to visit, the highlight of their stay is shooting all the guns and trying to find snakes. Goddamned cousin Henrik had never seen a real snake, we got em all over the place at the gun range, so 2 birds with one stone.


Well-Known Member
how about this?:wall: how big do your "friends" let their clones veg prior to flower?

ANYONE? this is strictly clones..i'm doing an essay at school:wink:
Clones. I get 2 per month.

If I keep up the DM Liquid Light every 3 days, on a 250 w CFL. I get 2 inches a week in growth....from the plant. :)

In 8 weeks, I have buried to a node lower twice, to get more roots.

The finally height usually is the same. 28" tall and bushy with a dozen primary branches in in 8 weeks.

I asked about some at my clinic that were at 16 inches.

2 weeks under 1000 w.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
when it comes to mass shootings..a database would have no effect..it's not who's bought them..it's the insane that get their hands on them..i still vote for my idea of biometric safety..the ability of the gun to be rendered useless in anyone's hand except for its owner.

EDIT: additionally, this would be a rule and righties don't like rules.
Your idea? You mean the idea that has been written about a thousand times in various book and portrayed in various films? Skyfall being the most recent example i can think of. And do explain, how do you implement such a feature into the gazillion guns in the world that have already been obtained that do not feature such a system?


Well-Known Member
Your idea? You mean the idea that has been written about a thousand times in various book and portrayed in various films? Skyfall being the most recent example i can think of. And do explain, how do you implement such a feature into the gazillion guns in the world that have already been obtained that do not feature such a system?
Don't take the local crazy woman seriously. None of us do.


Well-Known Member
Biometrics om guns is a terrible idea.

A gun for self defense is something you want as uncomplicated as possible. The more things that can screw up, the more likely your death.

Batteries run out. Maybe your wife or kids are the one that end up needing to use it.

Fewer restrictions need to be in the way of putting holes in bad guys.


Well-Known Member
when it comes to mass shootings..a database would have no effect..it's not who's bought them..it's the insane that get their hands on them..i still vote for my idea of biometric safety..the ability of the gun to be rendered useless in anyone's hand except for its owner.

EDIT: additionally, this would be a rule and righties don't like rules.
In 10-20 years when the technology is perfected and 100% reliable, I'm right there with you. Right now, it's NOWHERE near ready for primetime. The first time it fails and the owner is killed, the implementation will be set back a decade. Be thankful there is no legitimate push for this feature.

And Righties love them some rules, one of the main reasons I disagree with them on almost as many issues as the Lefties (well, not quite almost as many).


Well-Known Member
Your idea? You mean the idea that has been written about a thousand times in various book and portrayed in various films? Skyfall being the most recent example i can think of. And do explain, how do you implement such a feature into the gazillion guns in the world that have already been obtained that do not feature such a system?