WOW!! is this common or should i be worried?? 5th week of flowering!! pics!


Active Member
Hey all at RIU, hopefully someone will be able to help me out. This is my first grow which it turned out that I only had one female outta 5 plants. However, everything has been going great until about 3 days ago. I have my baby in fox farm ocean, been watering every 3-5 days with mollases and just gave her first dose, a small dose of bloom nutes. I also got epsom salt and a high phosphorous fert. Like i said, this is the 5th week of flowering, shes been under a 250 watt hps on a 12/12 schedule. All advice is wanted and welcomed.

The plant is starting to yellow the fan leaves which is typical but its the top of the plant that is effected with the leaves turning brown at the tips and curling upwards!! I thought it might have been heat stress but i got the light far enough away.



Active Member
wow thanks kalik! does anyon else have a diagnosis? or agree that I got a sulfur and iron problem! I also noticed the last time I watered there were little mico white bugs just mining my soil.. I read on here to not water as much lettin soil dry out to kill larva.. however I got these problems going on as well which action needs taken by watering! any suggestions??


Active Member
hey celor! I noticed mine started at the bigger fan leaves at the bottom of the plant.. which I just pulled off just beefore they were goin to fall off... however.. it has spread to the top of the main cola.. and a few of the smaller colas are starting to get brownish/black spots on em as well... mainly I'm worried bout the main stem at the very top the plant... my last pic in my thumbnails is the main pic of my female! this couldn't be from them damn white bugs u think? what signs do I gotta watch for that the bugs would be related towards?? any and all advice welcomed!!


Well-Known Member
That is in no way normal! Crikey guys!?!? Come on.

5wks into 12/12 isnt nowhere near the end?? wtf?? thats only halfway through flower (strain depending)

Whats your overall average temp stoked?? Looks classic heat stress to me.

Are you running good extraction?


Well-Known Member
here mate i think its normal check out mine

Your plant has a classic Mg deficiency!!

Mg def's show first off with the leaf tissue between the veins yellowing first with the veins remaining somewhat green, then necrosis occurs on the affected leaves.

One of my hazes had an Mg def a little while ago, if your in soil 1 heaped tsp of epsom salts per 5ltrs of water (first dissolved in a small cup of hot water) until the Mg def stops spreading, if your in hydro get some cal/mag.

This was the first Mg deficient leaf i noticed, within two days it had spread to over 30 leaves!



Well-Known Member
Could well be nute burn, id try flushing the plant couple of times, and reducing the nutes a bit


Well-Known Member
hey mate, this is my first grow too so i shouldn`t be given advices but just in the name of sharing, been told never to pull any leaves, they will fall themselves when they suppose to even if they look dry(dead), when i first see those fkn white fly things i was like very worried, been spraying her with water with very small amount of washing up liquid init, dosent really do much but i guess kills few bugs each time i spray, to be honest she`s doing fine so far.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Nute burn or heat stress to me. What temps do you have?

I'd cut off any damaged bits of leaves (not the entire leaf) to stop it spreading, also unhealthy leaf matter is more suceptable to rot.


Well-Known Member
my temps are kept around 68-70 at nite and up to 85 during the day! could this be the prob heat stress!??
Yep, could well be, although 85 isnt too bad some strains wont like it day in day out, what you running for intake/extraction?


Well-Known Member
I doubt very much that its over-fert/burn, if youve only just given its first weak dose of bloom ferts at 5wks in.

Canna plants are normally very hungry at this time and will easily metabolise a weak dose of fert.


Active Member
my grow room is a spare bedroom! I got a ceiling fan for air circulation.. a few small fans that's are blowing on plant.. and e large oscillating fan extracting the air!!


Active Member
my grow room is a spare bedroom! I got a ceiling fan for air circulation.. a few small fans that's are blowing on plant.. and a large oscillating fan extracting the air!!


Well-Known Member
my grow room is a spare bedroom! I got a ceiling fan for air circulation.. a few small fans that's are blowing on plant.. and a large oscillating fan extracting the air!!
Ok, so you have no extraction, theres your problem.

You need one of these, an oscillating fan isnt an extractor and will not pull sufficient air out and will not create the negative pressure required to keep lots of fresh air coming into the growspace.

Providing the right environment is crucial, and just as important as your lights.

Your fans are probably just blowing hot stale air over your plants, causing the leaves to dry out and curl up.

