WTD with Pollen?


Well-Known Member
at the bottom of my 4 piece 4 inch grinder is full of pollen... now i know i could smoke this but how can i make some hash out of it??? or if anyone has some better ideas please let me know i greatly appreciate it thanks

just looked tite hahaha thanks guys


Well-Known Member
at the bottom of your grinder you have pollen? like you ground up some male pollen sacks or you have keef? keef at the bottom of a grinder in the KEEF CATCHER is just what was too small to put pick up and it fell through its just for putting on top of a bowl thats not enough of anything to make hash


Well-Known Member
yes i mean keef and there is alot. i have filled my 4 inch grinder twice and i cant make hash???


Active Member
you could take the keef and mix it wif yer other herbs and smoke it, should make it stronger, or yea compress it and make a bit of hash.