WTF is this dude?


Active Member
I had a buddy like that and he had prostetic ears too, seriously its sad people rely on outward appearance soo much cause he is one of the coolest guys i ever met......


Well-Known Member
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome is an extremely rare genetic condition which causes physical changes that resemble greatly accelerated aging in sufferers. The disease affects between 1 in 4 million (estimated actual) and 1 in 8 million (reported) newborns. Currently, there are approximately 40-45 known cases in the world. There is no known cure. Most people with progeria die around 13 years of age.
Damn, now I feel like a dick.

He does all kinds of dances and shit. If you want to look him up on Youtube his username is TSIMFUCKIS


Well-Known Member
holy shit that video scared me, i went to smoke a bowl came back and then watched this and it scared me. what the fuck was that thing?:-?:-?:-?:-?


Well-Known Member
ive seen these videos before, people always say not to laugh at it but imo its hilarious, and its supposed to be funny


Well-Known Member
LOL!!! Check this shit out!!! LMAO!!!




Active Member
me and my boy just got done smoking a J and wathed this video, he is currently lying on the floor turning purple he's laughing so hard. That's some funny shit.


Well-Known Member
all I can spit out here is HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

I don't mean to be mean here but this is really like crazy. I've never seen anything like that in my life. or anyone, I should say . . . . . .


Well-Known Member
I started watching like all of his videos, some of them are pretty fucking funny. Although still a little bit creepy.