Wtf is this?????

Hey @The_Wizardza -- Which leaves are these, just lower leaves? All over?? Are you feeding your plants? What kind of soil?? Do you monitor pH???

Hey man, only the lower fan leaves. Not the younger leaves below them. And yes I am feeding, foliar and soil. And yes my pH is kept around 6.5 considering its a clay based soil. I can't find any deficiencies that look like this and it can't be light burn. It's almost like the leaves are rusting. I thought maybe too much iron or copper but it's not that either.

Thank you so much ✌


Well-Known Member
The only time I've seen anything like that on my indoor plants was when I used to get lazy and just water them with straight un-pH'd tap water which is about pH 7.5ish where I am (only have drops) and 100 ppm or under (first light flashes on bluelab truncheon). I water my outdoor plants with the same water though and don't get it, but that could be to do with the amount of organic matter I mix into the soil. Maybe top dress something acidic?
The only time I've seen anything like that on my indoor plants was when I used to get lazy and just water them with straight un-pH'd tap water which is about pH 7.5ish where I am (only have drops) and 100 ppm or under (first light flashes on bluelab truncheon). I water my outdoor plants with the same water though and don't get it, but that could be to do with the amount of organic matter I mix into the soil. Maybe top dress something acidic?
I also thought it was that. But the water I give it I pH to 6.5+- and the soil pH is between 6-7 depending on the day. I'm thinking it's maybe something in my tap water. Or possibly some kind of mutation, these are from seeds I bred myself last year and it doesn't seem to be affecting the plant negatively at all. Growth is still normal and the brown parts of the leaves are just changing colour. It's definitely not light burn or a deficiency. I know what both of those look like. This is like the leaves are oxidizing like metal that rusts.

It's still not spreading to the very top leaves. The affected leaves remain healthy aside from the strange colour. The affected areas are dry and crisp, but not affecting the leaves negatively (obviously aside from effecting photosynthesis). It hasn't spread to my other pots and plants even after physical contact so it's not a bacteria/virus/fungus. The plants have been fed so it cannot be a deficiency, maybe a toxicity but everything I find online mentions yellowing first. The affected plants did show magnesium deficiency 2 weeks ago but that has been treated and the discolouration signs are gone. This isn't effecting the plants grow rate at all. Which is why I'm confused. If this was causing any stress to the plant then the plant would show it. Thanks for all the advice so far ✌



Well-Known Member
Did you check for bugs under the leaves? I grow indoors since the spider mites are all over the neighborhood but your leaves don't really appear to have bugs, just a good thing to check for if you're not sure of the cause.
Did you check for bugs under the leaves? I grow indoors since the spider mites are all over the neighborhood but your leaves don't really appear to have bugs, just a good thing to check for if you're not sure of the cause.
Hey, yea I did check. Wasn't that. Have also applied a general pesticide/fungicide and it hasn't had any effect.


Well-Known Member
Even outdoors with clay its going to be really hard to change pH if you didn’t adjust it before hand. It looks like nutrient deficiency and/or over watering. How do you determine when to water with that clay based soil.


Well-Known Member
@Kingrow1 could be right though. Foliar feeding during lights on can create some weird looking marks as the liquids magnify the light. Same for splashing bottom leaves when you are watering.
This is very common misconception. If that was the case plant would get scorched after rainfall in the sun. I've sprayed foliar for years once every week with lights on and never had this happened. It's one of those theoretical arguments that doesn't have any implification in reality.

If you get twisted growth and/or spots after foliar spray you haven't pH'd the solution properly or its to "hot" ie to much nutrients.

To answer OP. It looks like some thrips damage to me. They are everywhere outdoors.

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