Wtf is wrong with it


Well-Known Member
First, that plant needs to be in a much larger container. As for the small holes in the leaves, I'll leave that to those who know more than myself. Are you overwatering?

ETA: There is no need to crosspost this across three sub-forums.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a freakin' cup.

I didn't bother to read through your multiple posts about this and you neglected to mention anything about your setup. Don't make us read multiple threads with limited information and expect any solid advice. Post everything you possibly can and you will get better feedback. "WTF is wrong with it" posted multiple times with one photo is not the best way to get advice.

Best of luck to you :)


Well-Known Member
You've got a bug lol plain and simple.

The yellowing is possible the onset of a cal, mag, sulfur, iron, or zinc deficiency choose your posion. if it were coming from the bottom up it could only be nitrogen or magnesium but from the top down its a micro.

I suggest getting a good micro nutrient for the nutrient deficiency

as for the bug if your gonna spray get an organic spray that your able to use on fruits the you would consume. I don't know alot about this area but you don't want toxic chemicals on your plants. You could try putting a fan on it to blow away smaller bugs or get a bright colored plastic bowl and coat it with vasoline and set it on the dirt under the plant. when the light hits it it may attract insects because of its brightness and glistening but this isn't gonna do much for the larva thats already been laid.

look up some infestation posts and weigh all your options, this is a fragile area to be in.


Well-Known Member
and that is a large enough container just not enough dirt.

put more dirt in, bury it til its about 1/4-1/2 inch below the lowest set of leaves and it'll root from the area you've covered. that stem from those leaves down isn't going to do anything else but get thicker and more roots in that area will lead to a stronger tap root. Also as leaves die keep adding dirt, you can never have enough roots.