WTF Sulfur Deficiency?


Well-Known Member
So i have my babies about to start flower in a week or two hopefully. They have been under the HPS for like 3 days. They are showing signs of a sulfur deficiency, this is the first time in my years of growing that i have seen this. It looks just like N deficiency but the yellowing is only on the new growth. I will post a pic as soon as i can but the HPS is on right now nad it makes it impossible to see the color of the plants. I am nearly sure it is a lack of sulfur which isnt in any prodct i use except sugar daddy. I gave them water with Sugar Daddy but they done seem to be responding. Is there enough sulfur in this product to fix the def (fed 30 ml product is 1.75% sulfur) or do i need a different product? Seems this strain eats a lot of sulfur which ive never run into. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Have they only started showing this while using the hps? Why are you so sure it is sulfur, sulfur def normally occurs on old growth. What type of media are you growing in? I would guess it is either ph or a heat/light burn issue. What are your temps and ph?


Well-Known Member
Have they only started showing this while using the hps? Why are you so sure it is sulfur, sulfur def normally occurs on old growth. What type of media are you growing in? I would guess it is either ph or a heat/light burn issue. What are your temps and ph?
Started showing the yellowing this morning. New growth is "lime green"

started in ocean forest transplanted to mix of 1 OF to 3 parts Sunshine #4 (soiless) Just put them under the HPS two days ago. their temps have been 69-73 night 79-85 day. 18/6 light under 400w HPS about 12" off them. The reason i think its Sulfur is it looks EXACTLY like N deficiency but it isnt efecting the whole plant just the new stuff, which when i searched the internet people said was suulfur. I know its not N, or PH the soil has buffers and i have PH tested every drop i have given them to be 6.2-6.6.


Well-Known Member
Started showing the yellowing this morning. New growth is "lime green"

started in ocean forest transplanted to mix of 1 OF to 3 parts Sunshine #4 (soiless) Just put them under the HPS two days ago. their temps have been 69-73 night 79-85 day. 18/6 light under 400w HPS about 12" off them. The reason i think its Sulfur is it looks EXACTLY like N deficiency but it isnt efecting the whole plant just the new stuff, which when i searched the internet people said was suulfur. I know its not N, or PH the soil has buffers and i have PH tested every drop i have given them to be 6.2-6.6.
Have you changed where you get your water from... I JUST had an issue like this, too much sulfer. Well I learned that the water I was using the last few times(from a faucet through the sprinkler system for the yard) has sulfer in it. Shit I know it does cause I can smell it! I flushed with good water and issue is completely gone!


Well-Known Member
Have you changed where you get your water from...
i actually have. Tho i am 99.9% sure it cannot have any effect. I was using bottled distilled water from the store. In the last like 5 days i have started using a RO filter. The water TDS was like 2-5 so this is why i cant fathom how it cold have changed anything. I PH test everything i give the plants, and water with less than 10 PPM of TDS cannot have anything in it that would cause an issue.


Well-Known Member
See, I don't mess around with all that. Lol maybe I should. I just use good water. And feed according to there taste and need. I am all organic tho


Well-Known Member
sugar daddy corrected the deficiency on the 5 in the tent. here is my last plant that still hasnt shown sex or gotten sugar daddy. very wierd looking deficiency

