WTF!!! whats goin on


Well-Known Member
Looks like they have had a hard life, but, You are going to get some nice nugs to smoke during your next grow! Nice work..


Active Member
Looks like they have had a hard life, but, You are going to get some nice nugs to smoke during your next grow! Nice work..
thanks chris, you know growing has tought me a valuable lesson and it's simply that you must be patient in life if you truly want to get what you want(in some cases that is) and if your truly patient the thing(s) you want just might come to you. its all a waiting game... kinda like my pits, i'm starting to breed them, and the main thing when your breeding is you must be patient. first you wait for the female's heat then you wait for the pups then you wait till you find someone to buy them... ect. like i said its all a waiting game... and i'ma be sure to play to win... thanks again


Well-Known Member
Damb dude, I just wrote you a long response and ended clicking on one of your pictures before sending my reply, and lost it all! Ok, anyhow. Your plants look like they can go another week by the looks of them in your pictures. Do you have a scope to check out the tric's? Check that out. Have you started flushing yet? Are you going to? I forget what nuts you are using. If you are going truly Organic then some people say that there is no need for flushing.. You know it man, patience is a quality that must be learned in life, it is not a given. Instant gratification is our generations modow I think. Hey my brother used to raise Pits, and he was very good at it. He lived in Sacramento and man I don't think he ever had a pup that was not beautiful and well rounded. He knew his shit man. Sorrel,gator,Zebo, I can't remember off the top of my head all the blood lines that he was using, but, he made some nice dogs.. GL


Active Member
i don't have a scope i need to find a radioshack somewhere close by... i didnt end up using any nutrients during this grow, i didnt have the money for it... and since i didnt have nutes i didnt get a tester, which i think kinda hurt me in the long run(didnt have $100 for tester either). i started the plant out in a rockwool cube and moved it into a 3 1/2 gallon container and used some miracle grow soil i found at k-mart. it said it had food in it already that lasts two months so i just got that... i flushed after the second month then i started flushing about a week and a half ago just in case. i ended up using most of the money for my grow and "invested" it into my dogs. paid 800 and first pick, which will probably get sold for about 1500, so there's less money already. we breed razors edge out here in phoenix, gonna probably get some gotti blood pretty soon. REALLY looking forward to seeing the pups, they're due any day now... this is my female Luna and the stud Lil' Sammy "the bull"

