xikar versus caliber III hygrometer


Well-Known Member
Ya sure I can get all the reviews I want concerning these devices from cigar people on amazon but I was wondering if any RIU folks have used either of these instruments.
Like most products in any marketplace i've noticed that every hygrometer has fans and haters/good reviews and bad. I am however leaning towards the Xikar which is able to be calibrated unless someone can talk me into the Caliber III which ironically with a name like caliber can not be calibrated.

It seems like one of these devices could be a big help in getting a perfect cure.


Well-Known Member
116 views and no replies, so I guess I should say something. The Caliber III was the original recommend hygrometer. It is spec'd at +/-1 degree and 19/20 do just that. Choose whichever makes you feel most comfortable. Good luck.
